Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I'm kinda surprised the story is getting this long lol and I don't have any plans of ending it yet lol woo.

Sorry if the story is moving a bit slow. I just figured I should get some background info going before actually starting anything. I am currently working on a different cover but it might be a while cuz Kuro isn't turning out the way I want him to.

Anyways Kuro and Shiroi are now going to Shiroi's house. What's gonna happen?

(sorry if the notes are too long)


And we get in the car.

He puts some music on hoping it'll get rid of the silence. Hmm what in the world did he put on? I pick up his iPod to look. The screen says "Love is War" by Miku Hatsune. No wonder I recognized the voice. Didn't think he liked her since he has the whole visual kei thing going on.

"Interesting music choice." I smirked.

"Haha yeah, I usually don't listen to pop but she's an exception."

"And why is that?"

"I don't really know. Something bout the fact that she's a Vocaloid draws me in."


Then "Walking on Air" by Kerli came on. Seriously!? I love Kerli! I turn up the music and Shiroi just sideglanced at me and chuckled.

We pull up at his house as the song ended. Omg it's a mansion! He really is rich.

"How in the world do you have so much money?"

"It was all my dad, he didn't tell me how he got all the money."


We walk in the house and it looked bigger on the inside than the outside.

Omg! We walk onto the landing and I see a great big spiral staircase going upstairs on both sides of the room with a tree in between them. There's a chandelier up above us too, everything is so beautiful and white.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me upstairs and into the living room. Just like downstairs, everything's white. Except maybe the tv and plants.

We sit on the couch and he turns the tv on.

"So...what do you want to do?" he asks looking over at me.

"Hmm, I don't know." I answered staring at the tv.

He scoots closer to me till we're touching. He turns his head to kiss me.


"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?!?" Shiroi yells.

We both jump off the couch and head towards where the sound was. Which seems to be the kitchen.

When we walk in we see a little fluffy object on the floor. It looks like it got stuck after the crash.

I was about to walk towards it to free it but Shiroi puts his arm in front of me, blocking me from going anywhere. "Wait, it could be dangerous."

I stand back and I watch Shiroi inch closer and closer to the furball. He finally frees it and after he looks at it he relaxes.

"No worries, it's just a demon cat."

"Woah what?" demon cat? I wonder.

He hands the cat to me.

"Why're you giving him to me?"

"Your his owner."

"What? I've never owned a cat in my life."

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