Brackenclaw (CLOSED)

57 1 17

From: me

Description: Wiry, brown tom with white-tipped ears and yellow eyes. Prickly at times, but dedicated to his clan.

1. Brackentoe (notyourservant)

2. Brackenflame (Jess_The_Wolf)

3. Brackenclaw (Reptilegirlhere)

4. Brackenthorn (TheEntireStarClan)

5. Brackenprickle (TheGreatGadsby)

6. Brackenstorm (Kyarastar12)

7. Brackenfrost (WarriorCatsLover963)

8. Brackenpelt (KechupCity)

9. Brackenfern (Warriors-Madness)

10. Brackensnap (Smokefeather)

11. Brackenstripe (cloverponyz)

12. Brackenfox (Rissa-Potatoe)

Thanks for playing!!


1st: Brackenclaw Reptilegirlhere Congratulations!

2nd: Brackenfrost WarriorCatsLover963

3rd: Brackenstorm Kyarastar12 

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