Love You Goodbye

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Once again this chapter is NSFW, so if you don't like that then skip it 😉

The image at the top is from the amazing Kris, a super talented artist, that we're so lucky to have in the fandom.

You can check out her other stuff on Twitter:

And on Tumblr:

Please go give her some love. She's so amazing 😍


We hadn't really known what to say that night, so we had driven back to Manhattan in silence. She had slept on the couch again and once more I had woken up to a cold and empty bed. Then it was back to work and we had promised each other in the beginning we'd be professional, come what may. Though I hadn't expected us to have a problem with being in the same room together. I had imagined quite the opposite.

But we both knew what was coming was inevitable. Everything that's good had to come to an end at some point, I just hadn't thought it would come that soon.

Looking at her hurt, because I knew we couldn't go on like this. I wanted more than she did and I couldn't give her what she wanted, but what was worse was that I had no idea if we could even still be friends after everything that had happened.

We managed to hold up our charades for three days and avoided talking about it. In the meantime she had gotten her own room and we only saw each other during the team meetings in the morning. It was torture. I wanted her with me, I wanted her in my arms, I wanted her hand in mine and most of all I wanted to taste her lips.

Three days later there was a charity thing we had to go to and Y/N joined us. The press, of course, thought she was my date and since we didn't want to deal with explaining the difficulties of our relationship, we just went with it.

She looked stunning in her dress. She was practically glowing and I could barely look at her. Her hand on my arm felt cold and as soon as we were inside she let go and disappeared into the crowd.

A little later I saw her standing with Louis, laughing and enjoying herself and I felt completely miserable. I decided I had put on a brave face for long enough. So I left the party and went back to my hotel room, now too big and empty.

I lay on my bed, still in my tux, and tried to keep my heart from hurting.

A knock on the door pulled me from my pity-party. I walked across the room and opened it.

And there she was, looking as stunning as always. It didn't matter what she wore, she always was beautiful to me, even that time Greg Anderson had broken her heart and I went to visit her and she'd opened the door in her PJs and with her make-up running down her face. Yeah, even then she had been gorgeous. But this, this was just another level.

I sighed. "Did you have to wear that to walk out of my life?"

I knew that was why she was here, to finally end it. The look on her face just didn't go with an apology.

She gave me a small smile. "I'm sorry, H, I never meant to hurt you."

I stepped back to let her in. "Then maybe you should show a little mercy."

She stopped in the middle of the room and turned around. "You make it sound like I'm here to torture you, but I'm not."

"Oh, but you are.", I gave back, closing the door.

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