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I pulled up beside Andy's black car. He stepped out and was wearing black skinny jeans and a red shirt. I was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Andy looked me up and down and chuckled.
"Well your fancy looking," we both started laughing. "But, you still look good."
"Well thank you." I paused to lock my car, "let's go."

We walked inside the bar and saw seven people. Two girls and the rest were guys. We sat down beside a girl with long silver hair pulled into a pony tail. Why was she so familiar? Anne. Omg I remember her from when we were best friends.
"Anne?" I asked, hoping it was actually her.
"Juliet!" She exclaimed and hugged me. "I haven't seen you in ages. How is your career going? I'm guessing this is your boyfriend. From bvb! Yeah I like them but not as much as Eugenia Cooney. That's her!" Anne exclaimed all at once, putting her hand on the small girl with long black hair who only gave a small smile.
"That's great? Girlfr-"
"Yep!" Anne yelled.
We continued talking then left to go home. Me and Andy has decided to stay together In his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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