I swear, my whole life, people have had a sense to treat me with a 0 amount of respect. Honestly, I'm tired of it. I'm not a person you can just insult or be rude to because your life is not going the way you want it to. The reason that I'm typing this rant is because today, was the last straw. I have a reason to overreact and rant about this and it is because people disrespect me constantly. Even sometimes my teachers!
Like let's go back to 8th grade, shall we?
My 8th grade teacher, was the most disrespectful person to me ever, that what she did to me for the past three years, just has to be said. So the most repeated act was when we had homework, and my teacher would humiliate me infront of my classmates, by reading my homework answers out to the class. Now back then, when it came to social studies, I did not put much effort into it, so i basically guessed the questions I didn't know. And at most times, my teacher would call on me, and since at the time, none of us, including me, knew i had anxiety, i was not about to share my answer with the class, because i felt uncomfortable.
She then would proceed to my desk, take my notebook, and read my answers out to the class. It, to me, was always the most uncomfortable, and most traumatic thing that happened to me, repeatedly. And since no one had the guts to stick up for me, the most common thing they would do is laugh at me, and make fun of me, or just stay quiet. Although some of my friends did agree that it was messed up, none of them ever stood up for me (they were the good friends), or even laughed at the situation, as if i though it was a joke (these were the friends who laughed at everything that happened to me. Not the greatest ones, right?)
I always hated going to school, because i felt like I was just this big punching bag to everyone, that they could just insult me or , make fun of me, as if it was ok.
But I'm not standing for thus bullcrap anymore. Some people need to understand, just because they are having a bad day or just in general want to be mean, I'm not the person you need to dump your baggage and anger on. Treat me with respect, I am a person, not a object you can just disrespect when you feel you need to.
If youre having a bad day, don't dump your anger on me, k?? Thanks