For coming back

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"My dad hated the new job so he made the company move I'm back. Oh and by the way, I dated 2 girls while I was gone, so you should consider yourself lucky ." He said with a wink.
I lightly slapped his face.
"That's for leaving."
I slapped him twice, lightly again.
"That's for dating two other girls."
He looked at me in shock.
"And for coming back."
I leaned in close to him, and gave him a nice kiss.
"Yeah, so I convinced my parents to move back to the old house if no one lived there."
I smiled at him.
"So I know High School finished, what are you taking next?"
I nodded at him,and told him about the three year long drama courses I would be taking.
"Aha...Drama eh? I consider myself a pretty good actor."
I raised an eyebrow to this, knowing it was probably not true.
"Because for nearly my whole life,I had to pretend I didn't love you."
God, stop, my heart is melting.
I couldn't really say anything to this.
I just began blushing like a mad woman.
He pulled me close, and gave me a tight hug.
"What about you?" I finally asked.
"I don't know. I think I might try something with soccer. I've gotten better you know."
I smirked at him.
"Think you can beat me this time?"
He smiled at me.
"No fair, you won once and we haven't played since!'  He pouted like a child.
Playfully, I stuck my tounge out at him.
"You're not the only one who has been getting better. I've got new tricks too!"
He gave me the 'you're on' look.
We both raced outside, where his brother already had a soccer ball.
He smirked at me, in satisfaction.
"Andy, 10, Jade, 8." His brother announced.
"Andy is the winner!" He yelled.
"So beautiful, what's my prize?" Andy whispered to me.
I smiled at him.
He sent his brother back to help his parents unpack.
We both headed into my house.
I told him all the best stories of things that happened while he was gone.

"Yeah she's pretty weird but she can be super funny." I told him about my new friend, Lilly.
He told me about all the people from his school. He even made the soccer team, and was chosen for captain.
It grew dark in my house, and we finally realised it was getting late.
Sorry the chapters are super short. This book is coming to an end soon. But don't worry! As I said, there's gonna be a book that's sorta like a sequel but the names of people are gonna be different.
Love yall!

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