Chapter VI

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Serena scanned the area. "Where to now Ryuu?" She turned to look at the green dragon.

He came up beside her. "North still. We should be there by tomorrow's sundown." He replied.

Serena nodded. "How long till blue moon?" She asked him.

"Three days." He started to go down the hill. 

She sighed as Charoite bounced past her. This morning had been a wreck for her. The pain of betrayal lingered inside her. She had loved Howkin, but finding out his love for her was just an act for power...

She shook her head and started down the hill. Serena knew she couldn't dwell on it. As soon as she was human again, she would tell Rena of Howkin's betrayal, with Sun as her witness. She glared at nothing as anger started to fill her heart. 

Ryuu looked at her as she caught up to them. "You okay Ser?" He asked with concern on his face.

She paused for a second when he used her nickname that Kaiden had given her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Mad, hurt, but fine." She responded dryly. 

Charoite looked up at her. "You don't seem fine. It's okay to be mad at Howkin."

Serena ignored her comment and kept walking in silence. The pain in her wing from where Howkin had stabbed had faded thanks to some herbs Charoite found. But Serena secretly wished it was hurting so it would take her mind away from her emotional pain.

"Ryuu?" Charoite broke the silence. "When can we stop and eat?"

"When we get to the bottom." He answered.

Serena hadn't realized that she hadn't eaten at all and how hungry she was too. She looked ahead to try to see how much further, but with all the trees, it was hard to tell. "And how long do you think that will be?" She asked.

Ryuu sighed. "Not much further." He replied, jumping over a fallen log.

Serena nodded and leaped over the log. A few minutes passed before they reached the bottom. Charoite darted away to find food. Serena laid down to rest. Ryuu looked at her, "Will you be okay?" He asked.

She shrugged. "It's not everyday you get your heart ripped out and stabbed." She said. He came over and sat next to her. She pushed herself into a sitting position. "I just need to get to this pool and cover the jewel with my blood. Then it's back home to warn Rena of Howkin and tell her what happened."

"And after that?" He asked.

She shrugged. "Then get on with my life. Continue training." She answered.

He looked away. "Oh."

She turned and looked at him. "Ryuu? Is there something you want to say?"

The green dragon sighed and shifted his weight. "Well...It's nothing."

Serena smirked. "So the dragon prince has a secret he's to embarrassed to say. I guess he isn't all that brave as he makes himself to be." She teased him.

He looked at her with a frown. "Hey!"

She laughed. "How this? I'll tell you a secret and you tell me what you were going to say. Deal?"


Serena looked away and exhaled sharply. "I use to have a crush on Kaiden."

Ryuu frowned. "I thought he was like a brother to you."

She nodded. "He is now. He wasn't always though. It was years ago, I blame puberty for it. Hormones were kicking in. Okay, that's my secret. Now you confess."

"I want to know more." He said. "About this crush."

She sighed. "There's nothing to it. It lasted for a year or so then I realised I wouldn't get anywhere with him. Now he's with Rena and their probably going to get married someday." She explained. "Now it's your turn."

Ryuu sighed and nodded. "Well...I was kinda hoping you would stay a dragon." He confessed. 

Serena frowned and looked at him hard. "What do you mean by that Ryuu?"

"I may sorta..." He trailed off, mumbling.

"Oh c'mon. We had a deal. Spit it out." She demanded.

"I LIKE YOU!" He burst out. "Like...a lot." He breathed and looked at her.

Serena was surprised and it was obvious. "Ryuu...I'm..." She tried to come up with something to say. "Ryuu I'm sorry but..." She stopped again as tears filled her eyes. "I just got my heart crushed. I can't let myself fall for someone right now." She took off running just as Charoite came back with three rabbits.

"Serena! Wait!" Ryuu called for he.

She kept running, dodging the trees. Ryuu liked her. And she still hadn't gotten over Howkin. It only been a few hours. How could he? How could Ryuu say something like that after getting her heart ripped out and confessing a stupid middle school crush she had on Kaiden? She couldn't believe him.

Maybe it was pity, and he just said hoping it would make her feel better. It made her feel worse. She slowed down to a stop. "This is stupid." She muttered. "Why am I running from my problems? I never run. What's wrong with me?" She sat down. "Sure, Ryuu is nice and all, but it wouldn't work." Maybe for his parents it did, but things are different now. I'm going to end this loop and go home as a human.

"'s kinda nice being a dragon and all. I can fly, breath fire, though I probably could do that if I tried as a human, but I can tower over people. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I stayed as a dragon...but then someone will have to finish this prophecy. No. It will be me. And I'll do it on my own." She said, getting up and started walking north. 

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