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Act 1 Scene 1
Outside the apartment everything was made of stone. Bricked building reaching the tops of trees and stoned roads leading to what seemed like any place in the world. It was urban, but had nature around every corner as vines toke over the sides of buildings elegantly creating pattern across the muddy red bricks that were chipped and dulled. Flowers were growing around every window as they laid in flower beds and tree stretched their branches out long and strong till they seemed to canopy the sun from glaring on the grey cold stoned road. Everything was bright, but the sky overshadowing the city with a grey cast that made everything lose its intensity. The sun glared bright contrasting against the dark sky that never seemed to leave.
The studio was on the first floor with the apartment above it. The apartment was small and cozy; giving off a welcoming vibe as you entered through the bulky wooden door. Which was the only thing that separated ROSE from the outside world. The walls are completely covered in artwork as if hundreds of museums were on display all over her apartment.
    ROSE is seated in her room against the left corner in a chair that had a perfect view of the window. She was surrounded by various paint supplies and paintings of the world that lives outside of her apartment. She spots a man outside. New to area due to the fact that ROSE has never seen this man before. He stood tall and lanky with sunken shoulder, long brown hair blocked his face almost covering his shocking blue green eyes that catch ROSE's attention. He was dark like a shadow and just as mysterious as one too. ROSE is seated in her studio watching the man through the big glass window that let everyone see into the apartment and let ROSE see out.
ROSE quickly gathers her paint and brushes and gets to work as she opens the window she can hear the sound of cars and horns blaring : He's perfect. He is a work of art.
ROSE: This must be perfect. This must be perfect. He is pure.
CALEB enters the room cautiously and curiously as he has overheard ROSE
CALEB: Who is this so called art? Your new muse or obsession?
ROSE: It is not an obsession but just a way I view the world. If you want to know what the world is like simply just look at the people who live there. The world is effected by us and if it does not go our way we change it.
CALEB: You could go out and experience the world, with me of course, like any other person instead of  being trapped in your art prison.
ROSE: I live thru my artwork.
CALEB: but as you may live thru your artwork you don't live for yourself. Rose you are already dead dried up. You been preserved but you are no longer living. You have trapped yourself in your mind killing your body in the process. Continue painting,  please do as you wish and leave the exploring up to me.
ROSE: You are right I am dead, but my work might just bring me back. He might just bring me back.
CALEB: Nothing can bring you back from the dead. No magic potion. No amount of starry wishes can bring you back.
ROSE: I know he can. I know he can help me escape from them.
CALEB: They aren't leaving Rose. They can't leave. Don't you get it? They are stuck with you because they are you. Stop trying to run away from yourself before you kill your mind as well.
ROSE: They may be in my mind but they aren't me. They aren't some puppeteer and I dance when they move the string.
CALEB: But you do respond. You do follow their commands and make it quite a show. Forget it be a slave to your mind and let them make a piece of art out of you.
ROSE: Don't be like that Caleb.
CALEB: Like what Rose? Like what?
ROSE: So damn protective. Sometimes it feels like you are suffocating me. 
CALEB: I'm sorry that I want to protect you from the evil that you have created for yourself. I'm sorry that I want you to be careful of the world outside and have me there to protect you.
ROSE: Wait Caleb!
CALEB: I just want you to me happy for once and maybe you need to live a little, but I know the dangers out there. I'm scared of them to, but you can't let fear run your life. 
Caleb exists the furiously as he closes the door gently behind himself.

Scene 2
The paintings are set outside placed by ROSE for the man to see. ROSE is inside the studio which can be seen from the outside as a huge glass window let's you have a peek of the inside.
JAY whispers in surprise as the stares at the painting trying to read into them. He walks into. The studio as he sees ROSE. Who he guesses is the artist: Did you make those painting?
ROSE speaks shyly and hesitantly: oh uh yes I did. I hope you don't mind, but I say you and I thought you would be an excellent piece of art.  If you wish I can talks them down.
JAY speaks to Rose as he continues to stare at the different colors and textures that make up his face: I love them actually. They are amazing. You are an amazing artist. What's your name may I ask?
ROSE turns read and beginnings to shy away as she isn't use to the attention: I'm Rose and you are?
JAY: Beautiful just like your artwork. I'm Jay. It's nice to meet you.
ROSE: May I show you more into my studio? I have a lot more work you might be interested in. ROSE leads him further into the studio as JAY admires the many painting that hang along their way.
ROSE: All I do is paint and create. It's the way I discover the world. It's the way I live. This is where I'm bound to and this is what I am meant to do. Create and create until I can no longer create with these hands.
JAY: These are beautiful. Have you ever been to any of these places?
ROSE: I have never seen outside these walls and beyond where the trees no longer create a canopy over our stone road.
JAY: Why don't you let me show you around then? Take you down the street to get a bite of eat or maybe see the art around the graffitied part of town?
ROSE: uh I would need to ask Caleb first. Caleb?
JAY: Caleb?
CALEB: Yes Rose.
ROSE: I'm sorry about what happened.  You know what happens when you bring them up.
CALEB: I just want you to be safe for once and I'm starting to think that this exploring isn't the best idea anymore. Maybe you are right about painting be the way you experience life. You're too fragile. If you're happy doing this your way then I'm okay with that. I won't force you anymore to go out into the world. The world would chew you up and spit you out.
ROSE: Actually I wanted to ask you something. This is Jay he came in a little while ago and he is Interested in my painting. Could I go out with Jay for a while and maybe go further than just our street?
CALEB: Be careful if you do. You know how I feel when you don't have me there around you. They can be a little unpredictable. I don't want them to take control when I'm not there.
JAY asks confused as he searches around for another person in the room: Who is caleb?
ROSE: He is right there. That tall man with brown hair and paint all over him.
JAY plays along not wanting to upset ROSE: Uhhh Nice to meet you caleb. I will have her back before 2pm. We are just going around the corner for a little adventure. Probably just some coffee.
ROSE: Don't give me that look Caleb. I will be back before you know it.
JAY and ROSE exist the studio as they make their way down the street to the coffee shop. CALEB stares out the window and watches as he see them disappear into the cafe. CALEB opens the door and follows them making sure ROSE doesn't hear him. CALEB watches them from afar. 
Scene 3
ROSE and CALEB are seated in a coffee house. They are seated across from each other and in between them is a small round table where to two steaming coffees are placed. The walls have decor from top to bottom and smooth instrumental music is playing giving off a very relaxing vibe. It's a four walled coffee house with lots of sitting room and the coffee and other goodies in the back. Stringed lights hang down from the ceiling lighting up the rather dark place. What they don't know is CALEB is there hearing their whole conversation as he hides out of sight of the both of them.
ROSE apologies like it's a matter of fact: Sorry for Caleb. He can be a little protective. You would understand if you knew more about him.
JAY: How do you know Caleb?
ROSE:.... Ever since I can remember he has been there watching out for me... He lived in my house as I grew up, but my parent never payed much attention to him at all. Only when I was really young do I remember them talking to him too, but as I got older then seemed to get more and more worried as Caleb became a bigger part of my daily life. He is my art. He isn't my muse or my inspiration. He is the meaning of art. He knows everything about me. He has been with me forever and he would never leave me.
JAY states slightly disappointed: He sounds very important to you.
ROSE: He was, but now I'm kinda scared of him. He has me on a leash. He scares I'm going to go too far and not need him anymore. He is scared he is going to lose me.
JAY says with excitement as he grabs ROSE's and leads her out the cafe door: Let's make this a night to explore and not care about what's holding us back. Come on Rose?!
ROSE: What about Caleb? He won't like this?
JAY argues as he and ROSE walk out the the cafe: Forget Caleb. Okay you said it yourself he is holding you back. I'll show you what the world is really made out of.
Scene 4
JAY and ROSE arrive back at the apartment well past two o'clock as the sun has set and the star have come out to illuminate the dark black sky. ROSE heads into the studio before JAY, as JAY tries to find a parking spot outside the studio.
CALEB says frantically and concerned as he searches for a sign of JAY: Where the hell have you been? I've been waiting here for hours for you to come home. Where is he? That Jay guy you just met? Did he hurt you? Where did he take you? Do you know all the thoughts that have been running through my head.
ROSE whisper in a soothing tone to try and calm down CALEB: Calm down Caleb please.... You know what happen when you get angry....
CALEB says sternly as he clenches his fist to keep them from hitting something: Where the hell is he? I heard everything at the cafe. He is trying to take you away from me. He is trying to tear you apart.
ROSE continues as she steps closer to him touching him gently: He was just showing me around isn't that what you wanted. For me to experience the world again and not be so afraid.
CALEB speaks sternly as he touches ROSE's hand: Yes but not with him. Not with some stranger who could put you in danger. Remember I'm the one who is suppose to protect you. I've been protecting you from your own thoughts for years. Since you were a little girl I have protected you. Now you are gonna put your trust and safety in a stranger that likes your paintings. I am you're painting.  I am your artwork. I am your creation. He is simply just a muse.
ROSE says defensively: Those aren't my thoughts. I don't think like that! Those thoughts are the monsters. Okay? They make me hear them.
CALEB snaps back as he walks away from ROSE and towards the door: You are the monster. 
JAY enters the room cautiously as he overheard ROSE talking to herself.
JAY asks concernedly: Rose who are you talking to?
ROSE screams as she advances forward to him: STAY BACK JAY!
CALEB stares him down making him feel threatened and unsafe: There you are. You think you can just come in here and take her away from me. Put her in danger like that?!
JAY: Rose what are talking about?
ROSE advises with fear in her voice: Don't listen to him! He is going to hurt you.
CALEB: Get the hell out this studio. Before I throw you out and make you wish you never met us.
CALEB pulls a knife on JAY as he makes his way frantically out of the studio and through the heavy wooden door.
JAY: ROSE!?!? Put the knife down... Okay we can talk this through. Caleb isn't here. You are the only one here.
CALEB stabs the knife deep into Jay throat as he sinks down to the cold stoned floor outside the wooden door of the studio. 
ROSE: He can't hurt you anymore
ROSE: You're safe now.....
ROSE: I'm here to protect you
ROSE: You can finally be safe. I was wrong you need to be safe of the world. Safe from everyone. Come with me Rose and I'll take care of you. Here let me.
Rose plunges the knife into her stomach until everything starts to fade. The stones street, the tall trees, the brick red building that surround her studio and finally for once the bright blue sky that allows the sun to shine through bright creating halos around their heads.

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