Chapter Five

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Beth went to her lecture, the lecture Ethan would be in, and made herself not look for him. She wondered what she was doing. Where this could end up, and what he might do if it went wrong. Ethan had behaved, though. He’d stayed out of her line of sight, and she was pleased. She’d been serious, she didn’t want to see him while she was lecturing, and it was also reassuring to know he’d do as she asked. She started a minute early, impatient to think about something that wasn’t Ethan and sex, talked about symmetric groups for an hour, and didn’t look sideways once, didn’t look into the corners of the room where she thought Ethan must be, didn’t see him and didn’t blush.

She packed up and left quickly, at the end, before any of them could ask questions. Said, “Sorry, office hours,” to one who tried.

She went back home for lunch and told herself she’d work there. Actually she sat at the table and looked at the wall and wondered if she should just wank and get it over with. She tried to tell herself she hadn’t really decided whether she wanted Ethan again or not, that he was just going to bring her car keys back, but she knew it wasn’t true.

She was going to fuck him as soon as he got anywhere near her, and she was pretty sure he knew that too.

The doorbell rang just after one. She sat there for a moment, took a breath, trying to make sure she knew what she was doing. It was a waste of time, stupid to even try. She knew she was going to open the door, and have sex, and worry about the consequences later.

She went and answered the door.

It was Ethan.

“Hey,” she said, and he stepped forward and kissed her.

She pulled him inside and kissed him back. He tugged at her clothes, said, “Fuck I want you,” into her mouth. He got her shirt off over her head and started yanking at her jeans, trying to get them open. They were tight, fitted, and needed unpeeling.

“Sorry,” she said. “Shit, I wasn’t thinking.”

She hopped backwards and yanked them down, got herself out of them in the end. He turned her around and pushed her against the wall with her wrists behind her back. Again. He must really think she liked it.

She wasn’t completely sure she didn’t.

He held her there and fingered her and kissed her neck, and was tugging at his own pants sometimes while he did, running out of hands, she thought, trying to get himself out.

“Let me go,” she said, and he let go of her wrists.

“Come upstairs,” she said.

“Here,” he said against her neck.

“Condoms upstairs,” she said. “I need to fuck you.”

He stopped. “You need to?”

She nodded, turned around.


“Yeah,” she said, into his mouth, “But don’t be a fucking asshole.”

He took a couple out his jeans, showed her. “Someone’s thinking,” he said.

“I’m thinking,” she said. “I’m just thinking upstairs, in the bed.” She licked his chin.

“Nope,” he said, and tore one condom open, dropped the other, fiddled around with his cock.

“We can lie down on the bed,” she said against his ear.

“Nope,” he said, and rolled the condom down himself, and picked her up.

Just picked her up like it was no effort at all.

She wrapped her legs around his without thinking, and grabbed at him, and something about it made him go right inside her. She couldn’t quite believe it was that easy. She was spread and wide and he was deep inside her. Every time she moved he went deeper. She didn’t care how he’d got there, him inside her made everything else not matter.

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