Chapter 3: The "Good" Boy

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You didn't know what to text back. He looks over at you and smiles. He nudged Phil and said "I'll be back mate" Phil winked and nodded. Dan walked slowly. He was calling for me. I followed. Mary laughed and said "Have fun. But not too much (;" you laugh and slowly walk away. You look for Dan around the theater but you can't find him. You think to yourself - wow he left - you turn back to go into the theater and all of a sudden someone pulls you from behind. "Wait" he calls. "I didn't think you would come.". You reply "Why not ?" He smiles and says "Well since you want to get out of here... My place or yours" you smile and say " Let's go to yours". You travel in his beautiful black lambo and the song "My Girl" started to play. Dan raised the volume and sang so beautifully and asked you to join in. He hasn't heard you sing yet so you were nervous. He says " Aren't you going to sing to me?" You smile and nod. He's starts to sing again and you suddenly join in. He stops. You keep going and he stares at you and smiles. You simply ask "what?" With a tiny laugh behind your breath. He replies "You are so beautiful".. You smile. You get to his house. You were scared because you didn't really know what was going to happen and you were still a Virgin. He opens the door and his puppy runs towards him. "Pips! I missed you boy". He starts To play and talks in a baby voice. You notice that you've never seen this side of him. The Goodie side of him. He finished and takes you to the couch. He orders pizza for you too and surprisingly you guys sat and talked for hours. You found out so much about each other. It was amazing.

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