peeto oneshot

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Come on? Who doesn't love a cheesy love story full of all those unrealistic events? Where the anti-social loner just so happens to bump into the well known and loved jock "accidentally". Where the jock instantly loves the loner. You know what I'm talking about, admit it, you love it. But come on, those things just don't happen. All of the jocks go for the cheerleaders. The hot guys go for the hot girls. It's just the way it is. But that doesn't mean its always impossible for the jock to fall in love with the loner. Because here is where it actually happened, and here's how it happened.------
September 2, 2015
Peeta's POV:
Just keep walking. Don't make eye contact. That should work, right. Yeah, just look at the ground. Owh. Just say sorry. Okay better. Even though that person rammed their shoulder into you. Oh well, at least its over.
Where am I even supposed to go? The office! Wait, where the heck is the office? Crap. Look up and find someone. Hey, she looks helpful! My steps speed up as I walk towards the girl with the hair in a side braid. "Excuse me," I say while tapping her shoulder softly. She spins around surprisingly fast and before I can poke her shoulder again, and grabs my wrist. Tight. "Hey, jerk, you know the rules! Don't touch me or I'll snap you in half!" My eyes widen and I awkwardly laugh. "I uh... I don't even know your name." I say softly.
"What do you mean you don- Oh wait... You don't look familiar." Her piercing grip loosens slightly and I tug back, almost asking her to release. She does. I take a step back and run a hand threw my shaggy hair. "Yeah. I just moved to Panem. First day here." Her face softens a bit and she smiles. "Well welcome..." Her voice trails off and I then realize she's waiting for me to finish the sentence. "Peeta," I say and reach out to shake her hand. "Peeta Mellark." "Katniss Everdeen." "Please to meet you Katniss. Sorry to interrupt our meeting but could you point me in the direction of the office." A soft smile grew on her face, "Of course, Peeta. I'll walk you there myself, if you'd like." "That'd be great."
We walk side by side, but I remain about an inch behind her, following her lead. "So why did you move to Panem?" Katniss asked, giving me a sideways glance. "Oh, you know," I shrug and put  my hands out in a motion to make a rainbow, "As my dad said, 'a fresh start." She snorts under her breathe. "Thats bull crap." I laugh quietly, "Yeah. Tell me about it."
Another glance thrown my way. "So what's your life story?" Someone else bumps into my shoulder, but instead of me saying sorry, Katniss turns around and yells. "Cato, watch were you're going." Spinning around, she smiles again, looking at me expectantly for your answer. "There's not much to know." "Oh come on," she says laughing. "Thats a lie. You got a girl back at your old place?" You start laughing and she raises her eye brows at you. "How is you not having a girl friend funny?"

I look at her from the corner of my eye and grin. "Girls.. Girls aren't my... Type." She scowls. "What do you mean 'girls aren't your type'? Arent you a teen---" she starts laughing and shakes her head, but what she says next made me grin. "Oh, well. Girls are my type actually." We stare at each other happily and I know that we're going to be good friends.  We reach a set of glass doors and looks at me. "Shall we?"

You know how clumsy I am, its not my fault. That dude came out of no where! You gotta believe me! And he's huge. Basically takes up half a hallway!
So when I was rammed into a third time that day, it wasn't just a dull pain in my shoulder. This was full blown 'owh!' right to my chest. I flew back like 2 feet and fell on my butt.
I groaned and looked frantically from my papers scattered everywhere, to the clock on the wall. "Oh crap." I mumble. Class starts in one minute. A great start to such a great day.
Kneeling, I start shuffling the papers into a messy pile. I was so deep in thought about organizing my papers, that when the deep voice speaks, I nearly jump out of my skin. "Want some help?" Calming down from my small heart attack, I glance up towards the voice through my blond strands of hair. Damn. Is the first thing that comes to my mind.
"Oh... Uh.. Sure." I can feel a blush forming on my face and I focus my attention back onto the papers. The other boy sinks down next to me and quickly puts the other papers I didn't grab add to the neat pile yet. All of my attention is focused on him, so when he brought the stack of papers towards my, I violently jerked back. The boys eyes widen and he smiles before shaking the pile of papers softly. "Sorry to scare you." "Oh you didn't scare me." I respond, and reach my hands out to take the stack of papers from him. "Th-thanks." Damn you stutter. If the other body noticed, he doesn't seem to care.
He rises and I follow suit, "You dont look familiar. You new?" I nod, "First day today." "Thats cool. Whats your name?"
I look at him, a smile forcing its way onto my face. "Promise you wont laugh?" His features tell me hes confused." "Uh yeah, sure. I wont laugh."
"My name's Peeta." Instead of laughing like I had anticipated, he grins, reaches out his noticeably muscular arm for me to shake. "Nice to meet you Peeta. Im Cato."
Okay, at least give me the benefit of the doubt. It's not like it was an instant love story. Okay, well, it was love. I guess. But I thought I was the only one. I figured he was straight. Well dang, was I wrong. After the surprisingly not awkward hand shake, we started to talk. A lot. We missed half of the classes that day.
Remember when I told you our love didn't have a big build up? Thats true. Considering he asked me out at the basketball game that night. And of course, me being me had instantly blushed and strutted. But as Cato constantly reminds me, loves when I get bashful. Then usually I scowl at him, which only causes him to smile more. I'll never understood why a guy like him, would like a guy like me. And when I asked him, he used his straightest face and said, "I never liked you," the first time he said it I recoiled, but he caught my arm and pulled me towards him. "I've only loved you."

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