Set 1 (closed)

262 9 21

All of these just Name to get

Cookie A female eevee a chubby little eevee loves to eat but works it off by being hyper

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Cookie A female eevee a chubby little eevee loves to eat but works it off by being hyper.
Owner: Sally_The_Alien

These twin pikachu must be adopted togther 1 male blitz and 1 female Yuki the female is shy and gentle while the male is friendly and stubborn Owner: BlueTheWaterFox 3

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These twin pikachu must be adopted togther 1 male blitz and 1 female Yuki the female is shy and gentle while the male is friendly and stubborn
Owner: BlueTheWaterFox

These twin pikachu must be adopted togther 1 male blitz and 1 female Yuki the female is shy and gentle while the male is friendly and stubborn Owner: BlueTheWaterFox 3

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Sugar A sweet hyper random crazy wild and hyper female eevee that never gets mad at anyone
Owner: kittywizard33

a male Charmader named flare stubborn, dead set on evolving and comes of cold at first but  a great and loyal friend Owner: @eevee2 5

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a male Charmader named flare stubborn, dead set on evolving and comes of cold at first but  a great and loyal friend
Owner: @eevee2

a male Charmader named flare stubborn, dead set on evolving and comes of cold at first but  a great and loyal friend Owner: @eevee2 5

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Mia A female squirrtle wich is basically the stereo typical fashionista teenage girl
Owner: @-mxttiebxy

Lilly A female bulbasuar quite gentle and never angry and usually wears the flower its holding in its vine behind its ear

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Lilly A female bulbasuar quite gentle and never angry and usually wears the flower its holding in its vine behind its ear.
Owner: The_Kawaii_Human

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