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- okey. Let's go, do it -I thougth

Now. I'm here, in front my destinity -ok ok it's not my destiny, but its so important. Its my first love's letter, and I, Thomas Flinn, I'm gonna send it

Its amazing this feeling. It's in all my body right now. I know alessia won't answer me, but... don't matter, nobody does that, and I'll be one of their

I want to do it, but my hands do not obey me. Let's go! Its not a fire proof, I can do it!!!... I'm gonna do it before someone see me talking to myself... but, wait wait wait, wait a minute.

WHERE IS MY LETTER?! I had it in my hands one minute ago.

Wait wait, wait another minute. IS IT IN THE AIR?!

Oh no!

ITS A FUCKING WINDY DAY! Why didn't I feel it? Its so cool!

I have to run so fast if I want to catch it.

I need run faster. I must to do... what?...what was that?... but... what?...

-I'm sorry grandmom, excuse me sir -oh no, the place is full today. How the f...

AHG. I fell. Like a child who doesn't see in front his noses. Its so embarranssing, my knee hurts so much. AND I DID NOT CATCH THE LETTER. Thanks God! You love me. I'm so happy! Don't worry about my life (sarcasm mode activated)

Ouch! (Again) my head! Who shoot me that ball?

Please God, you can not hate me as hard as I think you do

-oh Tom, what happened to you? -ask me a familiar voice

-Alessia? -I asked very scared. She can not be here today. Not today. Not now

-Yes my friend, its my name -she answer smiling to me- I was walking with my dog when I saw my pet caught something. I take the unknown object and see was a letter, after this, I saw you this way. Are you okey?

-Yes, I am. Could you... -I tried to say

-oh, this letter its for... me. From you to... me. What has this letter inside, Tom?

-Em... oh no! Look your watch! Its so late! Bye. Talk to you later. - I said standing up and running

-wait! Tom! YOUR KNEE!

-I'm perfect. See you later Alessia. Run, run with all your soul if you want to be outside your house tomorrow, Tom. Go away this place

what was it? Its so rare... what happened today? Was a crazy day!

But... Wait...

Another fucking minute


In front... MY BUTT!!!

Whoever be in the sky, want me next to him.

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