Chapter 5: Teal's treatment

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The first scene is very... Disturbing. It may really upset you and has very explicit content. Not meaning any sexual things, but it's just... really bad.

If you don't want to read it, you don't have to, this is just a memory from her past.


Eating in the toilets? Yeah, it wasn't enjoyable.

I sat on the closed lid of the toilet, picking at the few fries I had bought for lunch, and wondered why I even bothered turning up to school anymore. With each day, I always contemplated running away, even if it was cowardly, but if I were to get away from all the sneers, all the pushing around, all the pressure, I would do it in a heartbeat.

But there was something holding me back.

Maybe it was the love for the school. Yes, the outside of the school looked like a dungeon and sure, the people who attended seemed to get out of their way to hurt me, but the little things like the teachers and the learning capabilities, always, in some way, made my day slightly better.

And by slightly, I meant I wouldn't go home to cry to myself.

The teachers were always warm and welcoming, except for a few rotten ones who always seemed to look at you with hawk-like eyes until you tripped over your own feet so you could somehow get a detention for staining the floor with your blood. But it was the teachers, who would smile at me during class and always offer help and assistance whenever I needed it, who made me atleast drag myself out of bed for.

Also, because if I didn't my mother would go rabid.

The bell rang out clear, startling me from my thoughts. I lifted up my tray to unfold my legs before standing up and stretching. I waited, my ears perked to hear if the girls who wore crazily drawn eyeliner and multicolored hair had passed after they had had their cigarrettes, before popping my head out. When I believed the coast was clear, I widened the door.

A sigh of relief escaped me and I walked out, my eyes scanning for the small trashcans where you disposed of the used papers. Just as I found one, there was a sudden shove behind me.

I was almost sent sprawled across the squared, white tiles, if it weren't for my balance. My food though, wasn't so lucky, and slipped from my grasp and landed with a clutter on the ground.

I stumbled for a second before turning around to see a sneering Alexia standing in all her glory with her arms folded against her chest and her chin thrusted up with superiority.

Alexia Daniels was one hell of a chick. She was one of those girls who liked to smoke any substance she could get her nifty hands on, but seemed to have that timeless beauty you'd think even drugs couldn't effect.

Oh but it definitely was. No amount of deodorant could take away the strong stench of cigarettes that clung to her like white on rice. I was also close enough to see the slight yellowing of her teeth as her lips curled up into a nasty smile that could only be described as one thing:


I gulped, staring at her for a moment too long before looking down at the french fries all over the floor. My mind contemplated picking them up while she stood over me, then put them in the bin, but then she spoke.

"Oh I'm sorry, you were eating that, weren't you?" I turned back to look at Alexia's face behind a curtain of hair to see the smile still playing vicously on her face. All she needed was to the knife belt on her hips and she'd look like some kind of assasin, since she was already suited up in all leather with the sharp makeup.

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