Ganymede//Astrohub (Claire)
I am going to miss this place. Mom never really wanted me to be an astronomer, but here I am. Imagine me, getting here. In a week we will all be on an oddysey into the void between the stars, and it will be a dream come true. I have always, always wanted to sail the ships that travel between worlds! I wish Dad were around. He would love it. I wish Dad and Mom were here. I feel so alone. At least I am doing all I can.
Ghost walked in on me a few days ago. We talked- he's a nice man.. He doesn't have parents. Why do we all call him Ghost? He's so. Mysterious. He and that Jackal.. I don't like Jackal. He's so cold, not like Ghost. Once we lift off, I'll try talking to him more.
And we know more about the planet that we're going. It's like Earth, just colder by just a little. It looks like Earth! I guess I won't miss Earth so much, then. My scopes can see further than my eye can- of course they can. What am I writing? Ah well. I guess Ghost will be back soon, and I might see the pilot later..