Becca Lee Williams always gets into trouble. No matter where she is or who she's with. Her dad is running for The President Of The United States Of America. Her parents want her to get her act together so after she gets expelled again for her 3rd ti...
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(picture is Becca)
Becca's P.O.V.
I got suspended again for the usual, Dress code violation, sassing teachers, and this time I nearly set the cafeteria on fire. So, when I saw my dad's face I knew I was done for which I really didn't care. Once, I got home and inside I saw my mom at home.
"Becca we need to talk. now." My mom said sternly.
I sat down across from her in the living room. My dad sat next to my mom.
"This was the last straw. Becca we are sending you too a Boarding School." My dad said angry.
"No way. I'm not going to a boarding school." I argued.
"No arguing. go upstairs and either you pack or we pack for you." My dad said.
I groaned and got up and walked up the stairs to my room.
Once I got to my room I started packing.
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I packed my whole closet and bathroom stuff. I mean I was going to be gone till Summer and it's only the second week into school. I packed everything up and walked down after 2 hours of packing with all my suitcases. My parents were waiting for me.
"All packed?" My mom asked.
"Yeah." I simply replied.
"ok lets go to the car than." My dad said.
I just walked out with a suitcase and both my parents had a suitcase. We got to the car and all got in.
"which boarding school am I going to?" I asked.
" Diamond Jane Academy." My dad replied.
"It's a all girls school." My mom said.
I groaned.
"Don't even start." My dad said.
I just looked out the window and once we arrived I saw the school.
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Once I got out of the car I then realized it might not be that bad..... to get into trouble here.