Becca Lee Williams always gets into trouble. No matter where she is or who she's with. Her dad is running for The President Of The United States Of America. Her parents want her to get her act together so after she gets expelled again for her 3rd ti...
After my parents left I was taken up to the dorm. It was Dorm #72 on floor 4. I go in and see my roommate.
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She comes over.
"Hi. I'm Sammie Voss." She says smiling.
"Hey. I'm Becca Williams." I say giving her a small smile.
"You're the presidential candidates daughter right?" Sammie asks.
"Yeah. My dad is Brandon Williams." I say sighing as I sit down in a desk chair.
"My dad is The President of Columbia." Sammie says.
"Is everyone here like royalty or important?" I ask.
"Nope its just us." Sammie says.
"Okay good I don't like competition." I say jokingly.
"So what got you sent here?" Sammie asks.
"I got suspended for the 3rd time in the 2nd week of school. Than today I almost set the cafeteria on fire. I get suspended for dress code violation, sassing teachers, and other things." I say picking my nail polish.
"Wow. Yeah that won't happen here." Sammie says almost scared.
"I'll probably find a way." I say.
"Oh no this school gives punishments. They don't suspend you they give you a punishment." Sammie says warning me.
"What kind of punishments?" I ask curious.
Sammie bites her lip.
"Let's just say your parents gave the school permission to do extreme punishments." She says while shifting back and forth nervously.
"What if I don't give permission." I say not really caring but just curious.
"It doesn't matter you are a minor and your parents gave permission." She says while going over to her bookshelf and pulls out the student handbook.
She hands the book to me. I open to the first page and in big, black, bold, and underlined letters it says.
"Every student will receive a punishment if they break a rule. No student can get out of a punishment. If their parents did not consent to the punishment suggested a new one will be decided."
"They really take this punishment thing serious don't they?" I ask while rolling my eyes.
"Yeah they do. They also have a page front and back of notes so two pages technically." Sammie says as she shows me the rules.
I read them and they are all in bold.
1. No student shall leave campus unless they have permission and a pass.
2. No student is allowed to bring a guest on campus.
3. No student is allowed out of their room after curfew.