Chapter Thirteen

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Right after Luke exits the bathroom, I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist and sneak up behind him. I discreetly stalk him as I see him enter my bedroom, Maya is in there, I told him not to go inside. What the hell is his problem, man? I tip toe to my bedroom's doorway and tilt my head so that I can see what's going on.

Luke sits beside Maya and grabs my pillow and playfully hits her with it. Maya groans and shuffles to the other side. He laughs,"Stop acting as if you're asleep, we all know that you never sleep." Maya sighs deeply and snatches the pillow from Luke's hand and spoons it.

What does he mean by she 'never sleeps'? That doesn't make sense, a human has to sleep, after all! Unless, they're not human... No, no, no. Wait, calm down. Calm the hell down, William Lazarus. She's human, human. They're all humans, right!? There are no ghosts, vampires or werewolves! They don't exist!

Maya angrily mumbles,"Of course, I need sleep. I'm human, after all."

Luke laughs at this but stops almost immediately. He ruffles her hair,"I was just kidding. Though it would be cool if the Mayor of Yama town, Maya would be immortal." This seems like an act, they're aware that I'm listening to their conversation, that's why Luke is acting like he was joking but he wasn't. I'm calm now, oddly very calm. It's like I'm a stagnant pond, so cool, so still.

Now, I have to snap out of this. I have to get out of their trap. So, let's start to connect all the dots and try to piece this puzzle together. I should do this at a safe place, away from them (and get some clothes on.) I quickly go back to the bathroom and change into a nice set of clothes. I grab Morpheus and peep into the bedroom,"Maya, I'm going out for a walk. I'll be back after an hour."

While saying this, I make sure not to think of anything but a walk with Morphy. If my guess is right, these people can hear my thoughts so I have to make it seem as if my lie is real and I believe that I am going for just a leisurely walk.

Maya sits up,"I'll come with!" I smile,"There's no need to. I can go by myself, I just want to have some fresh air and some alone time, you know." She frowns,"So, you want some space. Fine, go walk alone. Have fun with Morpheus." As she says this, she flops back onto bed whilst covering herself with the blanket.

I chuckle and walk to her and pull her blanket down and kiss her forehead, she's just so cute. She pouts at me and glares and I grin sheepishly at her. I hum as I exit the room and I'm in the clear. I open the door to leave but Luke stops me,"Where are you going? After I decided to drop by, you leave me all alone in here!?" Luke was overreacting and overly dramatic.

I pull his ear,"Shut up, Maya's here too so you're not alone. I didn't ask you to come, anyway." He struggles out of my grip and puts one hand on the left side of his chest and the other to cover his mouth as he gasps,"I can not believe this! Are you really the Will I know? So, cold hearted. You're breaking my heart." He fake sobs as he does this and I roll my eyes as I exit my house and close the door.

I feel that I was too harsh and so I send him a text,"Sorry if I seemed rude, I'm going out for a walk with Morpheus. I'll come back after an hour, you can play on my Xbox if you want or you could leave if you don't want to waste time, waiting for me."

"Yay, then I'mma play on yer Xbox with no holding back, kayy? Keke, thenkshu

(^• ω •^) Oh and btw it's impossible that I won't wait foh yew since I could wait for you 5ever~! (*/▽\*)"

I read Luke's text and laughed but cringed a bit too since he's just so cheesy. I decided to tease him by just replying with a "K." I laughed at the thought of the reply, I would get in return for that supposed,"cold-heartedness," as Luke calls it. Wait, there isn't time to waste. I must make use of this alone time.

Morphy wakes up in my arms (I totally forgot that I had him in one of my arms) and places his paw on my face and looks up at me with his blue mystical eyes. I blush and pet him. He's just so cute. God save me, I might die from cuteness overload. I quickly snap out of the Morphy trance and start to walk.

Morphy jumps out of my arms and starts to run. I start to run after him, I follow him to a forest-like place. There are Willow trees everywhere I see and there's a swing or two on a few trees. The whole forest is a uniform of dull colours, blending well together. The Willow trees look sorrowful, almost pitiful with their drooping leaves and dull brown colour as if their very colour is draining from them and their about to wither and die. The swings are gray in colour and I see a few grave stones, that's a bit creepy but it somehow, gives me a comforting feel.

Morphy is sitting on one of those swings and I feel a bit terrified of him. I mean, I thought he was running away from me but he led me to a completely isolated creepy forest with swings and happened to be sitting on one of them. If there can be inhumane creatures then why not a creepy humanoid cat?

I hold back a laugh at that thought and bite my lower lip, I think Morphy's eyes just darkened or was that just my imagination? I sit next to him and take a few deep breaths. I empty my mind and sit cross legged, I don't even notice the fact that Morphy is sitting in between my crossed legs. Time to piece whatever I can together.

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