Chapter Eighteen

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Had been facing a few problems so I couldn't update TwT

It's fine now though:3


I sit on the swing and begin to look around. I get up and crouch near the gravestone where the name, Maddie was encarved. She had no surname, just like the others, only her first name was encarved on her grave.

"Maddie, stop it. I don't trust him, don't follow him there. Please, stop. Maddie! Don't you dare. Stop this instance, you fool!"

Why am I seeing memories of girls I don't even know? I just saw her name and a fragment of her past assaulted my mind. Maybe learning about these girls will lead me on to something. Acting on my thoughts, I take a look at the other grave. "Aignes," what a unique name!

"I want to know about that place he's talking about. The place where we can be who we want and live however we want and not be chained by others opinions and expectations. I, Aignes, will not be a slave to society. I want to be free and I think we should ask this guy about that place."

So, Aignes is that girl in the bar. The beautiful long legged brunette teenager who wanted to be free. I guess her wish was too far fetched to come into being. I think she's a prideful woman, I mean was. Then, who was the girl with her? I think her grave must be near.. I rub some dust off the other grave,"Susie."

"Susie, I'm in love with him. I don't care if I seem like a fool in love but please, support me in this. You know how I am and you've already met him. He's really...Just perfect, as if he just came out from a fairytale and if I don't go to him now then I might lose him forever! Please, if our friendship ever meant something to you then come with me. Please!"

So, Susie and Maddie were friends. Maddie was the one helplessly in love and Susie was the wiser and more commanding friend. Susie should have slapped some sense into Maddie instead of going along with her, I guess that's how different people's mindsets can be sometimes.

I walk around and see a Japanese girl's name,"Akemi."

"Akemi! Where are you going so late in the nigtht?" Akemi grins,"I'm going to meet this really hot guy, shagging him is just one of the most gratifying love making I've ever come across in my life! You know how much I love enjoying the thrill of new experience and having the adrenaline rush through my veins. Enjoying and living life to the fullest is what I do and you know it, Chiyo!"

All right. Akemi is like the life of the party and Chiyo is the mature and reserved one. But wait...Why am I receiving memories of how these girls decided to enter this town and not after? And who are the little girls wanting to be like Alice? What about those giggling girls with the car problem? I'm getting a headache. I might receive fragments of more of their memories and so this is quite troublesome. Especially, since I now understand languages I never before learned. Such as Greek, Japanese et cetera. I think should get home..

I begin to walk out of the forest and I lose consciousness. I wake up, my senses craving for blood. All that is in sight is a red liquid and I observe that I am on top of somebody, painted with red. His throat slit open and his blood all over me. Who is this guy? Why am I on top of him? Why did I feel so bloodthirsty? Why am I not panicking? This guy is one of those workers! The one who mocked me and insinuated that I was gay, he was also in on that cruel act of brutality. Seeing him now, I think it serves him right.

Hold up! What am I thinking!? Since when was I this insensitive? This nonchalant about a person dying in such a hideous manner? Moreover, this is the second time I've witnessed a murder not that I remember how this guy was killed but I still remember vividly how that poor young boy died and those cries of death.

The dead worker guy is missing a few fingers, literally as if someone sliced his fingers, one by one as he yelled for him to stop. I see now, the dried tears are all over his face which is contorted in an expression of extreme pain and horror. He's missing a teeth or two, he has two black eyes and his body is decorated with black and blue bruises along with gashes all over his back and legs.

His abdomen was sliced open, spilling his guts all over as it seemed to be torn open. It was such a sickening sight, my stomach was churning and I could feel the bile running up to my throat, threatening to come out as the panic started to settle in and the numbness started to leave my system.

This guy was murdered by a cold blooded killer and somehow, I'm on top of him. My clothes are drenched in his blood (and so are my hands) and if someone sees this, they might misinterpret the situation and I'll be framed for his death. I don't have time to think why I'm on top of him, what's more important is that I run away from the murder scene.

I quickly start make a dash out of....where am I? This is my forest! I mean, the forest I frequently visit so it's basically my hangout place. Didn't I run out of the forest? What am I doing back inside? Let's think about that later. First, what we have to do is....

Get rid of the body.

What...No! I have nothing to do with this! So, I won't cover up someone else's murder.

Well, there's plenty of evidence that can be used against you, idiot. Don't you think the others have noticed that something's going on with you? You've been slipping in and out of consciousness and are being possessed by some other being who is not you! So, I'm sure as hell, they've noticed and the first one they'll suspect might turn out to be you.

My subconscious had a point. I had a point. But then again, what are the chances that they'll suspect me first. I mean, I've never shown signs of aggression or I haven't shown an interest to murder so they might not suspect me. There's a possibility they won't.....

Except, what if there have been other murders? I mean, what if this guy isn't the only dead guy and there's been more who've died and they covered it up? What if the being who's possessing you is making you--

No! No, I did not do this! Why would that stupid possessor want to make me kill people! Impossible...Or not. Stop! Stop! I cover my ears in an attempt to shoo off these horrid thoughts. He made you kill him! Hide the body! Burn it! Do something! I shake my head! No, I don't want to believe it!

I wake up and realize that I'm lying on a comfortable and springy surface. I'm on my bed and Maya's lying down with me. She looks up and smiles,"Hey, are you awake? I didn't know what was wrong since you just saw me in the street and dragged me to your house and the rest," she giggles. And then smiles horrifically,"You asked me if I wanted to eat along with you, that dead worker you killed!"

I woke up screeching and observe that I'm in my own room and there's no Maya here. I hear some footsteps and back away to the corner of my bed. "You okay!? Awake now? Bad dream, Cherry?" Maya peeks inside and smiles."I didn't know what was wrong with you since you just saw me in the street and dragged me to your house and the rest," she giggles. I gasp in horror, it's happening again! It's like deja vu. The dream I had must be real.

"You were quite wild. I've been seeing that side more often now. Is something going on with you?" I stare at her blankly, confused out of my mind. Had that all been a dream? Wait... What? What's going on? What's even real anymore!? I don't understand! Someone help me, someone tell me what's going on with me!? What happened and what didn't happen? Which is real and which is a dream!? Someone, please!

Maya rushes to my side and hugs me,"It's all right, please I'll tell you whatever I've observed about you. There's nothing wrong, I'll help you clear this confusion." Suddenly, everyone, Lucifer, Jacob, Jung, Layla, Adriana and Nastasia simultaneously speak up,"We'll help you clear your confusion!" How'd they get here!? Nothing they were saying could console me. I sobbed pitifully, I don't understand! I don't get it. My mind is spinning! I can't tell if this is reality or an illusion? Am I losing myself? My mind?

I open my eyes, only to see red all over. I observe I'm on top of a body. This man, he's the worker guy, he's dead. I've seen this scene, this just happened. I don't get it what's happening!? What the fuck is going on!? I was worrying that my body might have been used to kill these men! Then...Then...The bed, Maya, deja vu, the bed and Maya peeping in wearing my shirt and everyone consoling me! This doesn't make any sense!

The dead worker guy with his guts spilling all over and his bruised up face, tilts his head,"Nothing makes sense in Yama town." I shout in terror, h-h-he spoke and moved! The dead guy spoke and moved! I run out, as far away as I can from the forest and I black out. 

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