Chapter one

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Louis' P.O.V

I slowly walk out of my massaging room/Office and down the small hallway to go get my client.I can't wait to go home!Not that I dislike my job or anything,its just I work 24/7 everyday and I'm exausted!I just want to go home and callapse in my soft heavenly bed.I'm already longing the texture of the bed against my body.My pillows are like clouds when I lay my head down.Well to me because I'm always tired on a day after work.I sometimes wish someone could just release my own stress...Like a massage or something I don't know,just something.

I smile a Izabella at the front desk and ask for my client.She calls out to his name 'Marcel'. I look up to see a beautiful boy standing just a few feet away from me.I snapped my mouth shut,since my jaw dropped.He smiled shyly at me and said a soft 'hi'. I said 'Hello' right back with a big grin on my face.Yes I already knew that I was gay way before marcel.I walked up to him and firmly took hold of his arm.

"This way please."I simply said takeing him down the hallway with me.Its actually a natural habit to take peoples arms and take them to the room.

He slowly looked up at me through his thick glasses."O-Okay..."he said more in a whisper.

I stared at him hopeing he dosnt notice me do so.His eyes are green,like grass or emerald green.Something you couldn't see through his thick framed glasses.But he was an absolut beauty.And I have seen different forms of the human body and marcel is unique.His eyes shyly meet mine.I quickly look forward to not bump into my door and look like a complete idiot.I open the door and bring him in with me.

"Take off you're clothes." I order marcel standing back for him to have space.

His cheecks flush pink as he looks up at me nervously."W-What?" His eyes widen.

I chuckle."So I can give you're back a massage." I cleared it up.Actually 50 percent of me wanted him to remove his clothes for my selfish enjoyment.The other 50 percent was for my job.

Marcel nodded."Can you please turn around?"he asked still blushing.

I really didn't want to turn around,but I agreed to anyways. There's a small mirror in front of me but shh no one needs to know that.I felt a sly smirk play at my lips.Marcel didn't notice as he started to remove his sweater.I bit my lip and watched.I wonder what holds under that shirt of his.He is very nerdy so maybe just a skinny figure.As marcel removed his shirt,my jaw fell to the ground. Marcel was musceled.MUSCELED! His chest was toned and everything.He was also tan,sexy little nerd.

He looked at me nervously."Pants also?"he asked me noticing I was looking at him.

"Yeah,pants also."I smirked.I know you don't have to tke off you're pants but I just wanted him too.My own enjoyment has to be included to.He slowly removed his slim pants that hugged his skin revealing the top of his boxers.His boxers read 'Kalvin Klein'. They fit his shape really well.Something in my pants stirres.God no,not right now,not today,not in front of him!He sets his pants down where he put his shirt,and sweater at.

"Okay,i-im ready."he says in a whisper/Mumble.

I smile to myself and rub my hands together getting them ready to touch this beautiful boys back.

A/N; Thank you for reading please comment on how it is and vote if you like it.Maybe give me a few ideas?Thanks for reading I love ya! mwah mwah

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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