F I V E || Revenge and Karma

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Uh oh.

Seriously, even if I wanted to slap Michelle right in the face infront of all the Presidential Candidates and the media, I was too nice. I mean, she's her sister and no one ever dares to break Michelle (Well, Weasley did maybe fake it. Who would help a nerd anyways?). Well, if she says so.

"You smell like rotten milk with worms in it." Weasley, who approached us, whispered in a mockering way, almost made me snarl at his rude attitude. He left with a smirk, but handed me an extra T-shirt of the band 'Green Day'. How nice. But badboys are badboys, right?

Probably he'll change. With my magic and all, I can make the bad  guys good for the weekend.

"Ignore him..." Jasmin sighed in anger, holding my arm tighter as ever. She placed a bracelet saying 'Badboys will be Badboys, don't count on it'. "He's going to use you anyways, then break you into tiny little bits. He'll ruin your reputation until you have an option to commit suicide." She muttered, with her eyes glowing into a darker shade of green.

Wth is happening?

We reached a bathroom, a clean one. What a miracle! She snatched the T-shirt Weasley gave me and dumped it evenly. Reaching out things in her bag, she pulled my hand and made me sat in a chair. With ahhs and ouches, combing my dark blonde hair was really, really good (Note the sarcasm). She removed my glasses, that were nearly-broken, replacing them with contact lenses-thingy. With a little dash of foundation and cream, my face went perfect. My tangly, unbrushed, super curly hair turned into perfect tresses. Well, I looked....pretty? (I'm such a crappy sarcastic girl)

"What are you doing to me?" I asked.

"I'm fixing yourself." She replied in a 'duh' tone, with a little bit of sass coming through. "Stop trying to be so innocent when you're with her. I've been following you all day and I know, you're not just that quiet and innocent  nerd people knew." She stated. With the words coming out of her mouth, I knew she was right. She was so right.

I sighed, whispering curse words to my head. "You're......right, I guess." I affirmed, with that little devilish smile that pleased me.

Dayum, I'm weird.

"I swear, your hair has black magic that doesn't let me straighten it." She joked while combing my hair again. I laughed a little and smiled, like a girly girl would do to prevent wrinkles. Wait, did I just referenced a fictional fantasy Disney movie? Nah.

Damn Daniel it is.

"I like your hair." I awkwardly started. Not to brag but, I'm like the richest girl in awkwardness. As if.

She chuckled, parting my hair into two and putting one to the left and right. "You're so weird!" She jokingly stated, now laughing incredibly insane as ever.

"You're so, weird too!" I responded jokingly, I don't know if its a hilarious comeback or whatever.

She had tears in her eyes and even prevented it from coming, she needs to refrain from laughing too hard, the joke's so corny!

"Hey, it's corny!"

"I'm so sorry Tiffany but, it's my first time to laugh so hard. My sister prevented from laughing too hard because she said it causes wrinkles."

"You're sister is so mean."

"She was born to be mean. After all, she's just the adopted child. But my parents spoil her too much, and by that I mean so, so, so much."

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