The Present

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Spencer sat in her kitchen watching the clock.
"Toby should be here any minute now" Spencer thought.
The minutes seemed like hours.
Tick Tock Tick Tock
Spencer got up and walked around the counter toward her sofa.
She picked up the small present she was going to give to Toby as a 6 month anniversary present.
It wasn't much, but she knew Toby would love it.
Suddenly, there was a loud crash in her garage.
Spencer set the gift back on the sofa and ran to see what the noise was.
She opened the garage door to see Toby had stumbled over some of her garden supplies.
"What are you doing in the garage?" Spencer said laughing.
"I wanted to surprise you by coming in this way instead of the front door." Toby said while shaking a rake off of his foot.
Spencer laughed and helped Toby get the garden supples back where they belonged.
They walked inside of the house and shared a long passionate kiss.
"I missed you" Spencer said.
"I missed you too" Toby said in return.
Spencer bounced to the sofa and picked up her little anniversary present.
Toby brought out his present too. 
Spencer was relieved Toby had not gotten her something huge like she expected him to.
"Open mine first!" Spencer said enthusiastically.
Toby snatched the gift from Spencer's hands and gently opened it.
It was a beautiful golden chain to go around Toby's neck.
"Spence, I love it!" Toby said giving Spencer another kiss. "Now open mine!"
Spencer gently took the flat present from Toby's hands.
"What could it be?" She thought to herself. 
She opened the gift slowly.
Toby was grinning with joy.
She looked down after unwrapping it and saw a piece of paper.
"Huh?" She asked very confused.
Toby turned around the piece of paper to reveal a note.
It said "I'm taking you to the Caribbean!"
"What" Spencer gasped.
Toby pulled two plane tickets out from behind his back.
"Surprise!" Toby said with another huge smile on his face.
"Oh my god." Spencer said with a look of disbelief on her face.
"Thank you so much!" Spencer said.
She ran to him and gave him the biggest hug she has ever given.
Toby picked Spencer up and spun her around.
"The Caribbean?! How did you even-" Spencer started
"Work. I know a guy that cn get me free tickets....not to mention.." Toby started.
"An all expence paid trip!" Toby said, his smile getting even bigger.
"No" Spencer said in even more disbelief than before.
"We leave tomorrow!" Toby said.
Spencer smiled and gave Toby another kiss.
"I love you so much" she said.
"I love you more." Toby responded.

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