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Flowers wilt and die...

No matter how much you water it...
How much sunlight it gets...
No matter how beautiful it is...

It will melt and pass away...
For nothing is eternal.
Nothing lasts forever.
And a lifetime is as short as it gets.

A statement I quite adapted.
Saying that death is natural.

So why?
Why does it hurt when someone dies and disappears?

Death is a cycle.
After death, a life is born.
After birth, death will follow.
And then birth comes next once again.

It's that simple, right?
It's just a cycle that comes naturally.

So why am I feeling pain after a death?
Why am I mourning over something superficial and trivial?

And even I experienced death itself.
Maybe because I believe in both theories.

That life is precious and shall be cherised. Because we only live once.
And that life is just an occurrence that will eventually pass.

The thinking of both a...
And a...

Names given to me by a fake existence.
Names I live by.
I don't even know what I am. Because I am neither while I am both.

A flower, but one that isn't sure.
If she's a flower indeed.
Or just a weed.


He~llo Minna~!!!'s another story by the author who doesn't finish anything. I'm so sorry for writing a new one while my other stories are left on hold!

I just really need to materialize (write) my ideas, or it'll leave my brain.

Anyways, I'm gonna try really hard to update every story. Just after this major project I have is over.

Please support this story.

See ya!!!

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