Chapter Four

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Why should I trust Adrian so much? He could've killed me...but I guess the point is, is that he didn't..he saved my life..but now he is about to take it to save me yet again. This is so complicated..
"Where are we?" I asked.
"My house. It's probably the safest place for you right now." Adrian replied.
His house wasn't what I thought it would be. It was a nice secluded house. Nothing but trees surrounded the place. It was peaceful. All you could hear was birds chirping around.
"Nice house,"I replied.
"Thank you,"he said as he opened the front door.
I walked inside and noticed how spacious it was.
"You live alone?" I asked.
"Yes. I have for hundreds of years." Adrian said.
"Hundreds?" I was confused.
"Yes. When you become a vampire you become immortal. Meaning you won't die.."Adrian said,"unless if you were killed, of course. But the cause of death will not be of age. You will never age beyond this point."
He must've been lonely for all that time...without someone to talk to or anything.
"So should we begin?" He asked.
"Wait..I want to know more about vampires..just so that I know what to expect when I become one.."I said.
Adrian chuckled,"what would you like to know?"
"Can I only drink blood?" I asked.
"Yes. But you can drink any kind of blood. Human blood, which tastes the best. Or animal blood, which does the job. Or even vampire blood, which that does a little more than feed you." Adrian smirked.
"What does it do?"
"Well you begin to feel a connection with the vampire you drink from and...what's the correct word..? It arouses you..I suppose." Adrian replied.
"Really?" I said.
"Yes. But when I turn you...I will have to let you feed off of me..just this one time because you will have to get your thirst under control." Adrian said,"I'm sorry I know this seems awkward but it's to save your life..and to save the people you hold dear to you."
I nodded my head,"is there anything else I should know?"
"Well yes. You don't have to worry about sunlight. It doesn't effect us at all. We just don't go out in daylight much because we are sleeping; and it's harder for humans to notice our differences. But if we did it would be okay as long as we were careful." Adrian said,"and we're able to heal quickly unless we've lost a lot of blood.. Then we'd need to feed to regain our strength again."
"Ohh..okay. So why didn't I turn last night when I was bitten?"
"Because we didn't release our venom into your veins, we only sucked your blood.."he said,"believe me if we did you would know."
I nodded.
"There's more things you could know. But they're minor things. The most important thing is that you will have to control yourself once you are turned. That's what you should focus on for now. And once you learn how to do that I will teach you more." Adrian got close to me,"are you ready?"
I began to get tense. Do I really have to do this? How do I know he's not tricking me or something... When I imagined my future I never thought it would be becoming a vampire. I always imagined finishing college and working with animals. I loved animals.
"Come," he held my hand and took me to his bedroom.
I froze. I couldn't move. My whole body was shaking like a leaf.
"Wait.." I said.
Tears began to form in my eyes. I was so scared I tried not to show it but it was starting to get hard not to.


Judging by her facial expressions I can tell she isn't sure if she wants to do this yet. I can understand it's not something easy to do. But she doesn't have time if Malachi comes he will attempt to kill her. And possibly her family. I will still make it her choice it's her life she has to think about.
I can see tears in her eyes. I feel so bad for getting her involved. I should've just fought Malachi on my own. It's not like he can kill me anyways.
Rose looked at me and said,"I feel ill."
"Rose if you're unsure you don't have to do this.. This is your life to think about. I don't expect it to be an easy decision." I said, trying to make her feel a little better.
"Why is he after me anyways? What did I ever do to him?" She asked.
SHE didn't do anything. It was ME. And I feel so sorry for that. But I know she deserves answers regardless if she hates me or not.
"He's after you because of me. You didn't do anything wrong." I answered.
"Well what did you do then?" She crossed her arms like she was about to lecture me.
"I'd rather not talk about it right now." I couldn't bring myself to say it.
  "Okay.. Well why can't I just stay here.. Until I make a decision." She replied.
  "You can but I can't promise you if you'll be protected." I said.
  "Because it's not a crime to kill humans.. But it is a crime to kill a powerful vampire. According to the law." I said, hoping she'd understand.
  "Vampires have laws too?"
  I smiled,"well yes. We have to otherwise there would be no consequence for our actions."
  "True.." She said," well what will happen once you turn me..I mean, us."
Us. What did she mean by that?
  "What do you mean?"
  "What will I become? Your vampire girlfriend?"
  I blushed. I never thought about that. I haven't dated someone since I was a human. I'm not sure I'd even know what to do anymore.
  "Well.. I don't know. I was sort of just thinking about saving your life not looking for a relationship." I said.
  I saw her frown. Oh no I said something wrong.
  "I mean.. Not right now." My face felt hot. I knew I hurt her feelings. I didn't mean to..
  "Okay." She sighed,"I'm ready."
  I was shocked by her response but I didn't waste anytime. I took her hand and showed her to my bedroom.

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