n: "there are probably things that I don't find strange that I do that are probably really weird"
h: "you juggle while you're brushing your teeth!" *n laughs*
n: "that would be literally impossible and I can't juggle so you've obviously made that one up yourself!"—
n: "probablemente hayan cosas que yo hago y no encuentre extrañas que son realmente raras"
h: "¡haces malabares mientras te cepillas los dientes!" *n ríe*
n: "¡eso sería literalmente imposible, y yo no sé hacer malabares así que obviamente inventaste esa!"
Narry quotes
Romancequotes related to and said by niall horan and harry styles pertaining to each other. - quotes relacionadas y dichas por niall horan y harry styles. - december 12.