Inspired by the book "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury.
Henry's Tales:
"Would you please tell me a story, Grandfather?" Said I, my blue eyes a-sparkling. "Why yes, I've got a good one to tell. You know how you're going to go into school soon?" I answered with "Yes sir." "Well, just like you're different from the other children, I'm different from the other adults; we're remnants of a past age, one that was a utopia in comparison to this age." he paused "Do you understand, son?" I answered him "Yes sir, I think so." and he began again "You're an intelligent kid; real smart, you're an individual; a unique character, whereas most children, and even adults are less individual, they are more conforming to societies' standards. Well, you're going to begin school since you've became five years old, they'll try to take that from you: your individuality. Do not adhere to their standards if you disagree with 'em, pray during recess, and remember to tell me what they teach you." he paused again.
"I'll begin my story: "When I was a boy, the world was very different; forests were many and wildlife roamed across them. People still walked to stores, parks, and houses, and roads were oftentimes quite small; two laned. Ships were still sailing, and planes were not a common sight, all very different from now 'days." a single tear ran down his face, and past his frowning mouth, "My Mother, she'd discuss politics; how quickly socialism and democracy are spreading, My Father, he'd worry himself awake at night, thinkin' about it. He'd tell me 'Son, I cannot prevent you from this changing world, you must always remember what I taught you; trust God, and refuse to bow to any other. We used to live in a Christian nation, you're going to live in an Atheist nation, even though we are few and scattered, you mustn't forget your traditions and learnings for to embrace this new corrupt world." his lips twitched and he cupped his hands over his eyes and wept quietly, I tried to console him, yet being an unlearned five year old I knew not how: "Grandfather, the world; it is not so bad --" Grandfather interrupted with "You don't have a clue --" he then regained his composure and looked at me, he smiled and put his hand on my cheek, he then put his hands on his knees and began speaking again "People used to fall in love with someone based on what they believed in and their personality, yet now it's all about looks -- blasted looks; they don't do a blerry thing! People used to pray, and do that very often, yet now it's considered 'archaic' and 'outdated', ridiculous! People used to speak against the government when they were displeased with it, yet now the first amendment is abolished." he looked at me and frowned "I know you can't understand it yet, but I'll explain it to you when you're older."
I truly did not comprehend what he said, and I knew about ships and forests only from educational movies and television. Papa would go to work at the mill, and Mama would stay at home watching the tele'. I hardly ever got to see Papa, and after I went into school Mama got herself a job, and I hardly got to see either of them. Papa didn't have off-days like Grandfather used to have, neither did Mama. Whenever they came home from work they watched comedy shows on the tele' for hours, then they'd call for food and we'd eat and go to bed. That's how each of their days were spent, they worked from 6am to 10pm so they only had eight hours of 'off-time', sixteen hours of working, three hours of 'off-time' were spent in front of the tele', while the other five were reserved for sleeping. They used their cell phones to order food, and we ate in front of the tele'. I had hardly any interaction with them when I was growing up, hence why I spent so much time with Grandfather; he treated me like his son, The little time I did speak to my parents ended up like this: 'Hey Papa! How was your--" and he'd interrupt with "Not now James." yet when I spoke to my grandfather, this would be our interaction: "Hello Grandfather, how are you?" and he'd answer "I've been mighty lonesome, I've been wanting some company; thanks for stopping by son." and so much of my time was spent talking with him.
One day my dad came home drunken out of his mind, and he cursed my mother. She called the police and had him arrested, he was brought into the court the selfsame day, and had trial without any representation. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment for disorderly and antisocial conduct. Whenever I'd tell her I miss Papa, and I want to see him, she'd say "He did a bad thing James, you won't see him for a long time." and I'd sob and become very angry at her, I'd say to her: "It's all your fault that I can't see Papa, all your fault!" she'd then say "You're having a fit again, let me give you some--" then I'd scream and holler and throw a big fit "No! No Mama! I promise I'll be good, I promise! Please don't give me meds again!" whenever I'd do that she'd call for the doctors to restrain me at the house, and they'd give me a tranquilizing shot. Looking back at it, it is awfully sickening, yet everyone else thinks that it is normal; except for Grandfather, who got very angry when I told him, he argued with my mother until she threatened to call the police to carry him off to a psychiatrist, he then said "You've strayed far, far from God." and she replied: "That's of enough of that 'God' rabble, leave before I call the police!" Well, for some insignificant information; neither of my parents can read or write, I was taught by my Grandfather. He also taught my Mother, yet she 'forgot', which my Grandfather says is due to her excessive time spent watching the tele'.