Aj = "Me and Dolph and U and Seth Layla Roman and Nattie and Dean"
K = Lets go out to the Gym for Raw then take a shower separte and go on out date since were in Houston Texas.
S = "But do u wanna go for seafood steak american mexican french."
K = Ik the Perfect place its a 4.6 star restaurant and it Brennan ( Its Real in Houston )
DZ = "Perfect will go work out with yall so yall ready"
D = "Sure, Lets just go get our bags and the guys will meet u down stairs"
xXx ( At the Gym with the girls )
K = "That was super crazy that Dean wanted to stay there with the rest of the guys"
Aj = "Want me to sneak up stairs and see what they talking about"
Nattie, Layla, and Kaitlyn Agreed.
xXx ( In the hotel room with the guys)
Aj put her ear near the door and listen to the guys talk
S = "So, Why are we up here we have only 6 hours till the date its 12:30"
DZ and R "Yea whats up with that"
D = "Well i was thinking of going out somewhere and.."
S = "And what man"
Dean walked over to the door and Aj fell on the Floor
Aj "Woah, Uh Hey Guys"
DZ = "Babe, what are u doing here"
Aj got up and ran to the elavator
They Ran after her. Dean caught her before she entered.
D = "Why were u easedropping"
Aj = "Well the girls including me wonder why u let the boys stay up here and so we voted and let me easedrop"
S = 'So ur saying u voted to easedrop on us not cool"
DZ = "Yea not cool but i still love u" He went over and kissed her check
xXx ( They went to the gym )
S = "Celeste, Hey Lets talk"
K = "Ok Seth lets chat" As they walked over to somewhere private
K = "Wait ur not dumping me again or kissing someone else and dumping me cause that"
S = "No Never, Uh I wanted to talk about wat we gonna were wanna look the same"
K = Yea so lets go"
xXx ( At the Resturant )
Kaitlyn and Seth and Dolph and Aj and Roman and Layla and Nattie and Dean got there own private table alone with each other.
Kaitlyn and Seth talked the order drinks and stuff.
K = "Hey, Seth i gotta go to the Bathroom give me a few minutes." She said getting up to go to the bathroom.
Kelly = "Hello Kaitlyn Nice to see u here"
K = "Oh no what do u want from me"
Kelly snaped and punched Kaitlyn knocking her out cold and putting her in a bathroom and putting a gray thing on the bottom to blend in with the bathroom and locking the door before closing and leaving her.
2 minutes later Kaitlyn woke up and pulled out her phone.
Seth got up and walked over to Dolphs Table
S = "Kaitlyn went to the bathroom and hasent return so she is missing".
Aj got a text "Hey Kelly is here and Shes trying to Ruined something here for us and i think shes trying revenge REPLY AND GET LAYLA AND NATTIE NOW"
Aj = "Now i have to go to the bayjtoom give me a second"
Aj Pulled Nattie and Laylas Arm to the bathroom and was stopped by Cody.
C = "Hey No ones allowed, in their get lost Yall"
Aj pushed Cody and Stepped in the Bathroom
xXx ( Back at the dinner table with Seth )
Seth went back to the dinner table to see Kelly in a fancy dress with heels nd a fliry look on her face.
Kelly = "Hi Seth Miss me more than Kaitlyn" She said as She took Seth and put him in the Seat.
S = "Weres Kaitlyn"
Kelly = "Idk Trapped in the Bathroom or Making out with Cody"/
xXx ( Back at the Bathroom )
Layla Spotted something wrong with one of the bath rooms and she pulled of the black thing and Kaitlyn unlocked the door and ran out to be stopped by Cody.
Kelly got Seth up to the Bathroom to show him Kaitlyn
Cody went up to Kaitlyn and Kissed her.
Seth saw and Kaitlyn pushed Cody then slapped Cody and kicked him.
Kelly went over to Kaitlyn
K = "So Thats NOT MY FAULT HE KISSED ME BITCH " after that Kaitlyn slapped Kelly across the face and Kelly fell and Kaitlyn started punching the shit out of Kelly.
Seth pulled Kaitlyn off of Her and carried her back to the table with Layla Nattie and Aj follewing behind.
Seth sat Kaitlyn down and the food was there ready and hot.
They Guys went over there to see it she was ok and she was and the went back to sit down.
K = "Im sorry Seth it was Cody he kissed me"
Seth didnt say anything and just ate.
Kaityln got up and sat outside for a few minutes till Dean came out and talked to her.
D = Hey two tones sorry Seth didnt say anything but just be cool and go back in there finish eating and see whos paying.
Kaitlyn nodded and got up and ate the rest in silence and payed and left in Ajs and Dolph Rental car.
Kaitlyn walked in took a shower got a blanket and a pilow and layed on the sofa.
Aj = "Why u sitting on the sofa we have 2 extra beds"
K = " Naw Seth and Me Arent U know talking or together for now so i dont wanna see his face."
Aj = "No He is just in his room asleep for no reason.
K = "im fine really thank u tho"
Seth walked in and sat in the seat next to her and Aj left.
S ="Im sorry i ignored u i was a little in shock from seeing Cody kissing u."
K = "Its ok i guess, but i slapped him and kicked him so its not all bad"
Kaitlyn got up and Seth did to and Kaitlyn went in Seth's arms and he spun her around. Kaitlyn put her legs around Seths waist and kissed him and fell on the sofa.
" They went in the room and slept on sepate beds and passed out on the bed.
Well ik i type alot and its long but i love it so peace out look at my WWE one u will have the Smackdown Results tonight or tommorw moring Bye bYe
Two Toned Relationship Book 1
FanfictionSeth and Kaitlyn had a huge relationship, but it was Awkward for them.