Author's Note

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Before I start ranting, I would like to remind everyone that this is my opinion book. I'm sorry if anything here offends you or whatsoever. So yah.

Edit 4/16/16: people. Pls. Dont. Freaking. Get. Pissed. At. The. Things. I. Write. Here.

I write whatever I want here because this is my freaking book. DON'T EVEN GET MAD! IF YOU WANNA RANT ABOUT ME THEN GO! Stop reacting at my stuff. If you don't like what I write here, then go. Stop reading. -.-

I write my feelings here. And I write my anger here. SO PLEASE. 

I may talk bad about people here, but i dont say their names. So just because you may think that this one thing I wrote is about someone you know, you can't really prove it. Ok ok same situation, but ever heard of coincidences? Duhh.

If you have any problems, you can message me. Don't comment that you know the person.

I may take down a chapter if there is a big problem about it.

So. Ya.

And nope I am not talking about anyone here in this chapter.


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