(This is not a chapter) I am sorry guys I have to apologize 4 something!!!

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Dear my fellow readers,

I am so very sorry about my last chapter! I admit it! I put the wrong name in the story but I went back and fixed it! The only reason why I put the wrong name is because I was reading my friends writing before I wrote mine and the name JUSTIN was in there and I guess I put the name instead of putting Austin I really really stupid and I promise it won't happen again! I am happy the none of you guys who did read in which only a few people did but I and thankful that you did not put any harsh comments on it! I hope you forgive me for writing the wrong name! I had a lot of stuff going on that day! My friend was going to Justin's concert and I read my friends story which had him in it and I hit the J instead of the A and wrote the wrong name! I am sorry! Please keep reading my other chapters that will be coming soon! But I am sorry to the readers who saw my error! I hope you don't think of me in the wrong way now! Thanks for reading! Please keep going! And for the people who didn't see it and are reading this thing! Thanks for reading my story and please keep reading!! I will update soon! But just so you know I did not take any of my writing from anyone else!! I am not a cheater and yeah if you don't believe me that your own fault! I guess I wil just lose some readers but other than that I will be updating soon! Stay tuned!! <3 <3 <3 I LOVE ALL MY FELLOW READERS!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Bye for now!

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