feel at home

31 4 3

Danny's POV.

after Vincent showed me my room I took around half an hour just gaping at how huge and grand the room is. I sat down on the soft mattress feeling the comfort of the plush comforter on my leg.

I must have fallen asleep because I sat up quickly at the sound on my name along with repetitive knocks on my door. Reluctantly   I sat up and made my way to the door.

"yes" I said after opening the door it was Debby Vincents mother

"hello dear sorry to wake you, but dinners ready"she said politely and turned around making her way down stairs

"thank you, oh no wait Debby I'm so sorry I forgot to ask you if I cou-"

"oh don't worry dear Vincent told us everything you may stay here for as  long as you won't "she interrupted

"thank you soooooooo much misses. Smith "

"darling call me Debby"and with that she was walking down the beautiful white spiral stairs.

why couldn't Vincent be like his mother I thought

"so you don't like me the way I am" shit I mist have been thinking aloud again

"yes,yes you where"a small laugh filled my ears, I turned around to see the one and only Vincent Smith. we were so close his breath was fanning against my face I shivered at the thought. for some strange reason I really just wanted to kiss his red lips but I knew I couldn't that would be inappropriate,right?


Vincent's POV

should I just lean in and kiss her, no no no, yes yes yes, just do it Vincent you are never this nervous around girls, but she's different not....well a......skank or a slut I can't hide the fact that I may and I repeat MAY have a slight crush on her,I snap out of my mental argument by danny.

"viiiincent" she sung "VINCENT"

"w-w-w-what"I stuttered

"do you want to go or not" WHAT

"w-what I wasn't listening at all"

"topical" she grumbled I couldn't help but chuckle at that

"so what was the question"I asked









"was that clear enough"

"soo is this you asking me on a date"a smirk making its my onto my face

"no idiot with angel ,Jordan and whoever you want to invite"

"yep cool wait wait wait your friends with Jordan star rugby player on our school team"

"cool and what's that supposed to mean"

"no its just you don't seem to be the girl I would think to be friends with Jordan jack "

"whatever can we go now"

"um...sure yeah let's go"I just figured out something

I think I may like Danny


sorry it was short its late and I'm tired PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP can you vote,follow me and COMMENT believe it or not I want comments more than anything so yeah please

I'm sorry it was a late update I'll try update more. Do you know what would be nice if you read my friends story her username is sk8r777 and her book is great

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