Chapter 16

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When mom forgave us... a small weight was lifted. But I knew what she was gonna sa-- "My children! Who's be caring for the flowers?" " Mom. We left them for you. We didn't wanna mess it up and kill them." Frisk gave a me a look as if to say, "What are you talking about??" Really Frisk buttercups can survive on their own. They don't need to be cared for. "Oh!" Tori got up. "Im so sorry guys but I must go check on them!" She sprinted out of the room.

"Okay?" Frisk was still kinda confused. "Why didn't you just say we didn't cater for them?" I sighed. "Frisk, they don't need to be cared for but mom doesn't know that. Or, maybe she does but she still pretends that she has to. Tori's confusing I know." Frisk giggled. "Yeah. But, in a good way."


Who are we gonna petrefy now? I felt a tear run down my cheek. I pretended to cough so I could wipe it away. The last thing we need is one of us breaking. "So," Chara lookd at me expectingly. I'd already made up my mind. "Paps." I managed a smile. How will he.. take it? He never gave up on Chara. Even after all LOVE she had. Chara gave a fimariar , "NYEH HEH HEH! Ok." I laughed. I didn't know you were good impressions!" Chara switched to Papyrus's stance. "WHY THANK YOU HUMAN!" I fell to the floor. "NUUU!!!! Your too amazing!" Chara giggled. "Ok kid. Press the thing."


This time the soul was orange.

A light,


He looked confused. But when he saw me and Chara, I could see him trembling. "Papyrus? Are yo--" "HUMANS!! I'VE MISSED YOU!!" Agajn we were smashed. "Ow. Paps you can get off now." " SORRY!" He looked at me. " FRISK? WHATS WRONG?" I wiped away some tears. "Nothing Paps. I've just missed you too." I smiled. "Honestly, even though i knew you would be the most understanding, I thought you would've at least asked what happened." "BUT WHY WOULD I ASK WHEN I ALREADY KNEW?" "WHAT?" We were both throughly confused. "OH. I GUESS HUMAN'S SOULS WORK DIFFERENTLY. WE KINDA GET A CHOICE; STAY AND WATCH, OR GO TO... SOME OTHER PLACE. I CAN'T REMEMBER THE NAME. BUT, I CHOSE TO STAY AND WATCH. I SOOO PROUD OF YOU TWO!!!!" We both were stunned to hear it.

"Thanks Papy!" I gave him a hug. "OH AND CHARA," "Y-Yeah?" " NICE IMPRESSIONS!" She ducked her head a bit. "Thanks Papyrus."

How was that humans? NYEH!

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