Chapter 14

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A/N: DaydreamBurrito123  drove a hard bargain... To gain their forgiveness I've decided to TRIPLE UPDATE! Just for funzies 😉 I hope you're happy.

Kirstie's POV: His face turned white, his eyes grew large as he just stared at me. I felt his hands loosen their grip around mine as if he were about to let go.
"I'm sorry. That was stupid! I shouldn't have said that!" I panicked "This is so awkward, and there's just so much going on today I really shouldn't have told you that! I'm so sorry to throw all of this on-mmm" my frantic talking was silenced by his lips. He crashed into me, wrapping his arms tightly around me. Enveloping me in the safety I longed for. He broke the kiss, breathing heavily.
"Kirst... Do you mean it?" He asked, "please tell me you mean that." His eyes looked desperate as tears began to form in them.
"Yes!" I nodded quickly. "I'm in love with you, Avi... I mean it." Our faces were close the tips of our noses brushed together gently.
"Damn." He sighed, "I thought I'd never hear you say those words." I wiped his tears with the pads of my thumbs.
"I'm sorry it took me so long," I said sheepishly.
He shook his head and kissed my forehead, then looked back into my eyes.
"I'd wait for you forever. You're worth it." Just when I thought I had finished crying, his words inspired new tears from my eyes. No one, not even Jeremy had told me that.
"Do you mean that?" I asked
"Kirst, I'm sorry he hurt you. I'm sorry for every guy that's ever hurt you in life. But I promise you... I never will. You have my word... You mean too much to me." I fell against his chest and let him hold me. All of this crying was making me a bit sleepy. He leaned back into the couch and rubbed my back as our breaths evened out and we inhaled and exhaled in sync.
"I love you," I said to him one last time, I couldn't say it enough. A Cheshire Cat smile grew on his face.
"I love you more." He said kissing my lips once more. We drifted off to sleep.
Avi's POV:
I woke up the next morning on Kirstie's couch. She started out on top of me, how did she get behind me like that? When did I become the little spoon? I gently got up from the couch and decided to head into town for some coffee and beagles for us.
I hoped she'd still be asleep by the time I got back. I didn't want her to think I had just left her. I parked the car and started to walk towards the Starbucks. I passed a small market where fresh flowers where being sold. I considered picking up a bouquet for my love. Maybe I would in the way back, I kept walking.
I passed a jewelry store and stopped dead in my tracks when something in the window caught my eye. A small ring with a blue round stone, her favorite color. It reminded me of her. I stood there a moment. Thinking of what to do. Should I buy her a ring? Why would I do that? Would she take it the wrong way? Would she hate it? Would she even wear it.
I realized it probably looked odd, me just standing there staring for so long, so I went into the store.
"Good Morning!" A man behind a desk said cheerfully.
"Morning!" I replied
"I see you noticed that ring there." He pointed out.
"Yea, yea I uh... I have... Someone special." That sounded totally cheesy but I didn't know what to call her. "It reminds me of her."
"Interesting!" He said. He went over to the display and pulled it out to show me. "This here is advertised as what's known as a 'promise ring'." He said wiping it with a cloth before placing it in my hand. "For people... Somewhere in between dating, and marriage."
Marriage... I didn't want her to think I was proposing... Although... I did want to spend the rest of my life with her.
"It's really pretty!" I said "and, it's her favorite color." I added. My phone buzzed and rang in my pocket. I excused myself to answer. It was Kirstie.
"Hey, Kit."
"Hey, why'd you leave?"
"I wanted to pick us up some breakfast, coffee and beagles sound good?"
"Aww you didn't have to do that, honey," I blushed whenever she called me a cute name like that.
"It's no trouble for you, babe." I said, the sound of her giggle made my stomach flutter. Being in love is a strange feeling... "I'll be back soon ok?"
"Ok, bye!"  I hung up.
"I'll take it!" I told the clerk. I had no idea what I was doing. But I was doing it!
I got back into her apartment building and headed up the stairs to her room. The ring, burning a whole in my pocket, it was all I could think about. I realized I didn't have a key so I knocked and waited. Something moved in the corner of my eye, I jumped when I realized it was a person.
"Whew! You scared me." I said to a small old woman in a robe. She tapped her foot and just looked at me up and down. "Uh, good morning!" I said with a smile. She crossed her arms.
"She's a nice girl you know?" She said
"Yes, I know," I blushed just thinking about Kirstie.
"I just hope you plan to make an honest woman out of her."
My eyes widened. Was this that neighbor Esther mentioned a while back? I just stared at her... Does she... know something. Kirstie greeted me with a smile then poked her head out to see who I was talking to.
"Oh, morning Miss Nancy!" She said cheerfully.
"Morning, Kirstin!" She smiled. When Kirstie went away she held to fingers up to her eyes to say she was, "watching me" ... Oh God.

A/N: alright I'm done I mean it! Triple update! I believe I've redeemed myself completely now!

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