Chapter 15

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A/N: So far my update schedule is working out nicely! If you don't know what that is:
Monday: To Live Forever
Wednesday: Just Friends
Friday: Sitting in a Tree: Kavi Oneshots
Okay enjoy!
This is a very long chapter by the way!

Kirstie's POV:
Who does that Avi Kaplan think he is? Did he think he could leave in the morning without leaving a note or anything? He's lucky he comes bearing gifts of coffee...
"Get in here!" I say yanking him through the front door and taking the food from him. He wore a slightly dazed look on his face. He was just talking to Miss Nancy... I hope she didn't say anything too crazy to him. "Don't you dare leave me like that! What's wrong with you?" I teased him.
"What? You mean this morning?"
"Yes..." I snaked my arms around his waist and smiled up at him, "I missed you too much." I whispered pecking his lips gently.
"Aww, sweetheart! Well I'm back now, and I'm all yours." He smiled. I helped myself to his lips, kissing him deeply and pushing my hand up and down his chest. I felt really good this morning. Better than I had felt in a while actually. Sure I'd had good and bad days but even the good days weren't as completely fulfilling and happy as this one. I couldn't think of a thing in the world that could upset me today, so long as I was in his arms.
"What's gotten into you today?" He blushed, breaking the kiss to look at me.
"What..." I smirked
"You're awfully affectionate today."
"I'm in a very good mood I guess. I said before reconnecting the kiss. I couldn't seem to get enough of him this morning I almost felt drunk off of his touch.
"MmBaby?" He mumbled through the kiss.
"Foods getting cold." He winked. I reluctantly let him walk away but I definitely wasn't finished with him...
We sat on the couch watching a bit of TV and eating. We had the day off, but didn't have any plans. I was feeling a bit antsy and bored. I wanted to go out and do something!
Suddenly a commercial sparked my interest...

The Pleasure is back! Stroll winding village lanes brimming with fine handcrafts. Feast on hearty food and drink. All the Faire a Stage!
Is that what I think it is?

Visit the Renaissance Pleasure Faire!
"Oh My God Avi!!! A Renaissance Fair! We should go!" I hooped up and down in my seat. I loved Renaissance Fairs! I had to been to one since I was a child! I was dying to go!
"You like Renaissance fairs?" He asked quizzically.
"I love them! Don't you?" I asked
"Well yea... I just didn't know that about you, is all."
"I know, I'm a dork." I blushed.
"An adorable, sexy dork." He teased, poking my side. I nudged him back.
"C'mon! It would make such a cute date!"
"Today?" He asked
"Yea!" I exclaimed. I planted a kiss on his cheek, just to sweeten the deal.
Avi's POV:
After showering, changing and about a 30 minute car ride later, we arrive at the Faire.
Kirstie's beautiful face lit up as if it were Disneyland. She was rather quiet during the car ride. But every time I glanced over to her she had a content smile on her face. I swear she was glowing today. She had this new found happiness that I was attracted to like a magnet. Or maybe I was just so in love with her, she could have sneezed and it would have seemed majestic to me. We got out of the car and grabbing each others hand, headed for the entrance.
Even though we hadn't decided to be boyfriend/girlfriend, nor had we told our band mates or fans anything about us... It felt good to be out and honest with one another. I loved that I could tell her outright that I loved her, and not only would she accept it, but she'd say it back.
I was still harboring that ring in my pocket. I had no idea what I was going to do with it or even what I wanted to say. But this had to be done delicately. I had to be precise on what I was really asking of her.
For now, let's enjoy the fair.
This was such a fun idea! We'd seen a couple of performances. We walked through a Medieval torture chamber (Kirstie's favorite), we even watched a blacksmith make keys over an open flame. All throughout the day, glancing at each other lovingly, sneaking kisses here and there, doing all the things I hated watching other couples do. Hmm, couple? That sounded nice.
We decided to eat lunch when we found a cart selling giant turkey legs.
They where pretty large, so large we decided to buy one and share it. We sat down and passed this turkey leg back and fourth between us, it was actually pretty funny.
"You having fun?" I asked
"Yes!" She gave a big smile.
"Yea, so am I." I replied. 
We finished eating and, having seen most of the things in this park, decided to stroll for a bit, swinging our hands back and forth. Enjoying the music and the elaborate costumes. The sun was going down a bit. It really was romantic. I couldn't help but feel nervous. I could feel it coming. You know... It. The it where she and I finally discuss this relationship, and iron out the kinks.

We're on the way back to her place. Another quiet car ride. She was quiet because she was sleepy. But my mind was moving a mile a minute thinking of what to say and how to say it.
"Oh are we almost home?" She asked suddenly
"Yea about 10 minutes or so." I answer, she hums thoughtfully. "So uh, have you thought about... Us anymore?" I ask,
"Umm yes." She nervously played with her fingers.
"What sort of things have you thought about?"
"Well... About us being a couple... Like, a real couple."
"And... About my future, and your future... And maybe our future."
"Yea, I've been thinking about that too..."
"And also the band. And whether or not our work will be effected by whatever we chose to do."
"Whatever we decide... I'm not leaving you." I smile over at her. She grabbed my hand from my lap and held it tightly.
"Whatever we decide, we'll be together." She smiled sweetly. We arrive at her apartment building and I pull into a spot. I turn the car off and we just sit there a moment. Enjoying the warmth, listening to watch others breaths, holding hands.
"What's on your mind, Avi?" She asked, placing a gentle kiss across my knuckles.
"I love you, you know that?" I smirk
"Yes, I love you too." She leaned over and kissed me. I swear her kisses are the sweetest gifts. I never want to let go of her. I look into her eyes, the two most beautiful stars I've ever seen. I'm so overwhelmed by her presence, I've never felt love like this before.
"Kirstie..." I hesitated, delicately Avi... Delicately... "Would you marry me?"
Her eyes grew big. I opened my mouth to try and fix it, but nothing came out.
Yes, delicately indeed...

A/N: I am thinking about ending this book and starting a sequel since they will be more than "just friends" soon... But I need ideas! I need an interesting plot to work with so that it's not a boring relationship story where nothing happens lol feel free to comment any ideas!
Next chapter could be the last one btw...

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