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I woke up to my messages at the unfortunate time of ten to seven in the morning like who's awake at this time? Well the answer I already knew it was my friend Katie asking where I was but I decided to ignore it.

I got up and dragged myself to the shower Turing on the water to let it heat up while I find some clothes to wear and put them on the bed. I only realised how long I had been in the shower when I heard my mom banging on the door to tell me I'm going to be late .

"Fucking hell " I said as got out.

As I dried my hair and stratend it I heard the phone ring. It was Katie. Of fucking course it was I don't speak to anyone else.

"Hey " I said

"Move your ass right now because I'm gonna strangle you if we're late" Katie said casual

"You know me I lo-ove to be strangled... I'm kidding ill be there in about 10 mins"

I hung up and put on my clothes and run down stairs.

"Bye mom" I shouted half way out the door.

Walking about 10 steps outside the door of the house next to mine opened and Katie came out looking at me like she really did want to strangle me.

I waited at the end of my drive and when I could here her next to me we started walking."I don't understand why you make me leave the house so early we practicaly live right next to the collage"

"Because, we will never get through the door otherwise you'd probably sleep until dinner if you didn't get up this early"

"Don't judge me Im an insomniac who likes sleep. Makes total sense"

"Come on were gonna be late so let's go"

As we walked into the gates and waited for the bell to ring I put In my ear phones but only one because I had Katie ranting down my ear about something that happened on the Internet .

When i got to my locker I put my bag in and kinda slammed it to show the world I didn't want to be here.

As I was walking to my art class Katie had gone to her media class I heard the voices I really didn't want to hear. These voices belonged to the most annoying people id ever met. Michael clifford (sometimes) Luke hemmings (not all the time) calum hood (hes kinda annoying)and the one person I didn't mind and sometimes spoke too Ashton Irwin.

"Hey ice" Michael said. Michael calls me 'ice' because I'm apparently cold hearted but I tell him I'm not in just sassy.

"For the 1000th time don't talk to me you fucking idiot" I said as I shoved past him. "hey ash" I waved as he smiled at me.


"How come she talks nicely to you" Michael say and turns to me.

"Because I'm not a complete asshole like you and Luke"

"Hey what about calum" Michael said and Luke looked offended.

"Nah calums okay" I said blushing.

Okay so the truth is I'm like the gayest person going and I have a massive crush on calum even before he came out as bisexual to us and I know I'm not very good friends with her leah is the only one who knows.

"Thanks Bro" calum said as I walked to science with cal while Luke had media and Michael surprise surprise art.

We got into the class room when Michael text me it's said.


Leah fucking aced her art project because she drew you like what the Fuck why didn't you tell me that??


I didn't think and I know you have a major league crush on her so I didn't want you to get jealous.

To: Ash

Bitch. Me? Jealous?.

A few seconds later another text came through.

To: Ash

Maybe alittle.

"Mr Irwin is that your phone?" said Mr merrick.

"No sir"

"good now write down what's on the board"


I was on the computer just messing with the settings because i was bored .

I looked up to see the one and only Lucas hemmings staring at me and as soon as I he noticed he looked back at the computer screen.

I got out my phone and texted leah.

To:The Bitch

Meet me by the gates in 10 I really don't want to be here today.

I got a text back straight away.

From:The Bitch

Me neither today has been weird I have a funny feeling about today ikd why.

" Excuse me Mr Dawson please may I go to the bathroom"

I didn't wait for and answer I just left the room and I saw leah at the end of the hall so I just walked really fast with her out of the gates.

"Omg today was trippy" leah said as she got her headphones out.

"Yeah I know luke was staring at me all lesson and it's kinda weird if looks could kill I'd be deader than dead " I said.

"He probably know you think he's hot" she said scrolling through her music.


Leah just stopped outside her house laughing. "I'm going to get some food and my phone charger and I'll be over"

"Okay don't be long"

----- 30 mins later ------

Leah walked in to my house almost crashing into the door because she was playing color switch.

" I said don't be long " waiting for her too look up from her phone screen.

"You know me and my amazing time keeping skills"

"Shut up and get off your phone were gonna Watch movie"

"Okay give me a sec ash text me" she said still Looking at her phone.

"I still don't know why you talk to him he hangs out with those idiots" I said as I sat down.

"whatever I think he's okay"

-----After movie-----

Leah stretched and yawned "I Need sleep I'm going to bed"

"Of course you are" I said as she walked out.

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