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"Excuse me Mr Dawson please may I go to the bathroom" Katie Said and just walked out.

I think she knew I was looking at her but I can't help it I've had a crush on her forever and Ashton told me she likes me and my crush just kept growing and growing.

My phone buzzed in my pocket.


Dude leah just left art and I don't think she's coming back she took all of her stuff.

To: mikey

Yeah I don't wanna be here either but Ashton will kill us if we skip school again and he's scary when he's mad.

My phone buzzed again but I didn't Check it though when the bell rang I was the first one out.

"Hey luke" Said a group of girls wearing shorts Way to short to be legal.

"leave me alone" I said and the girl on the middle looked really offended but I didn't care. I forgot her name but she's always wanted to get on mine or the boys pants.

I Walked straight to science and Michael was standing there waiting for ash and cal.

"Luke what's wrong?"

"I'm thinking of asking Katie out "I said. "The truth is I'm absolutely terrified she will reject me"

"Good luck, I was thinking of asking leah but I already know the answer" Michael said his shoulders dropping a little I kinda feel bad for him he never shuts up about her.

"You will be fine" I said as Ashton and calum walked out.

"Yeah free period let's go nandos" Ashton said and holy shit I love nandos like a lot.


As we got In Ashtons van It was me in the passenger seat ash driving and Michael and luke in the back.

And when I switched the radio on All the small things by blink182 came on and ash started singing in that cute way he does..... Cute.... Wait.... What?.

I thought I got over my feelings for my best friend but apparently not.

'FUCK' I said in my head why do I do this to myself

"Are you okay what's wrong?" Ashton said looking concerned.

"Noting why?"

"Because people don't just scream FUCK for no reason" Ashton said matter of factly.

"I'm fine come on let's go get food" I said as we pulled up to nandos.

There's a Starbucks next to nandos and Ashton practically lives there so I knew he'd want to go in.

"Guys I'm gonna-"

"Yeah ash we know we'll meet you in there and get me a smoothie the one with ....surprise me" Michael as we walked into nandos and Ashton into Starbucks.

We sat at a table and a waiter came to take our order and bring us drinks.

A few minutes later Ashton came in looking cheerful and handed Michael his smoothie.

"Never guess who I just saw..... Leah and Katie" Ash Said and took a sip of his drink.

"Oh" I said and then luke and Mikey wouldn't stop talking about them for about half and hour I'm happy they have found people to fawn over.

I think Ashton has a crush on leah because he's so nice to her and Katie and to be honest in kind of jealous. I looked at the time and realised we have to get back to school.

"Shit guys we've got to go" I said standing up and paying for the food 

"Oh shit" the three of them said at the same time and we got in the van and drove back to school.


Calum went quite after I came back but I decided not to pay any attention to it.

As we drove back to school Calum fell asleep and I think he is cute when he sleeps.

----- Time skip to after school because I'm lazy ------

I was waiting with Luke for Calum and Michael to come put if the building and as soon as I saw a flash of blue hair I got in the car and waited as Luke got in the passenger seat.

As we drove off I said " do you guys wanna stay at mine and Cal's house?"

"Yeah" Luke and Michael said in unison " can you drop me and Michael off at our Place to get our stuff first " Luke said after.

I was waiting for Luke and Michael to get there stuff and I was texting Leah I was planning to ask her and Katie to come and hang out because I needed to talk to her and she agreed.

The boys came out of the house and put there backpacks in the trunk and me and Cal only live a few streets away.

As soon as we got in to the house i told the boys I was going to the shop to get some suff when really I was going to get the girls.


I woke up from my nap to Katie standing in my room throwing stuff at me. My mom must have let her in. Great

"Get up I want to go to Starbucks"

"Ughhhh fine not for you for the smoothie" I said as I got my shoes on.

--- at Starbucks ---

"Can I have a mango and passion fruit smoothie Please" I said as Katie ordered one of those weird hot chocolates.

As I looked around I saw Ashton at the back of the que so I walked over to him after paying for my drink.

"Hi ash"

"Hey shouldn't you be in lessons?" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Nah I didn't want to be there today" I said as Ashton got to the till and ordered a normal hot chocolate. After he payed we found the able Katie was at and sat down.

"Listen I don't have enough time but I need to speak to you about something later" Ash said quietly. "I've got to go bye.... Oh FUCK I was supposed to get Mike a smoothie"

"Have mine ill get another one I've only had a sip you need to go" I said and gave him my drink.

"Bye I'll text you later" He said walking out.

"Yeah bye" I said as I walked back to the counter and ordered another drink.

---- At Katies ----

I was playing colour switch when I got a text from Ash.


Do you wanna come over for abit?


Yeah can you come and get me please.


I'll be over in 10 mins.

"Katie were going to Ashtons house" I said

"Yeah whatever"

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