I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

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Davina finally found Tim.

Agatha had found Athan.

Now they actually had to talk to them.

Davina and Tim sat in the church, with Cami watching at a distance, like she was suppose to.

Agatha and Athan sat away from the others, in the back room of the church.

Agatha sat down on a chair. "Okay, ask me, whatever you want."

Athan gave her a sad look. "Well, I'm not going to ask you where you've been, I'm not going to ask you if, after its done and were all just normal if your going to come home, because you can't answer those questions...But I am going to ask you one thing..." He sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?"

Agatha looked down. "I'm as good as can be expected."

Athan nodded, he understood.

Agatha looked at her little brother, sadly. Their mom had died, she suspected her dad was going crazy, and she herself had almost died by crazy ass witches who wanted to kill teenage girls. Yet she had survived, and yet Athan had been left alone.

In the attic, Agatha had Davina, Marcel and Colette. Agatha realized though, that for the past eight months, Athan had been...


Agatha took Athan's hand, squeezing it gently. "Are you okay?"

Athan didn't get a chance to speak, as they heard a voice shout Athan's name.
Athan's grey eyes went wide.

"We need to leave."

Suddenly a blonde vampire was blocking the exiting, and grabbed the twins by their arms, dragging them to the center of the church.

Agatha glared at the vampire, irritated, annoyed and beyond angry.


"Hello, there Athan, it seems you've been hiding a very important secret from me."

Agatha measured the vampire, Klaus. This was the big, bad hybrid Original. He didn't look like much. Maybe a bit crazy.

"So I think I've gotten the just of your connection, twin siblings, but to be torn apart like this, it breaks my heart."

"I didn't know you had one," Athan said, smirking.

Klaus Mikaelson gave him a look but otherwise didn't kill him so Agatha assumed he wasn't completely crazy.

By now, Klaus had gained the attention of Davina and Tim. Agatha wanted to tell them to run, but she knew they wouldn't get far.

"You two are absolutely adorable!" Klaus commented. "Though I do need a word with the young ladies. So, Tim...." He gripped his shoulder and leaned in closer, compelling him. "Go sit down, count to one-hundred-thousand." Tim did as told, waling to the back of the church, sitting in the last pew. "Quietly, now, there's a good boy."

He turned to Athan, and Agatha stood in front of her brother defensively.

Klaus smirked, impressed and amused.

"You're a witch so you can't be compelled, and the oh so positive affect of getting to know you has shown your not just going to go sit quietly so I'll allow you to stay up front where all the action is bound to happen," Klaus said to Athan. He blinked dramatically, clapping his hands, as if to get started.

"I assume you know who I am," Klaus said, speaking to Davina and Agatha.

He continued, as they didn't reply."Then, let's get right to it, shall we? Your current dilemma strikes me as a case of poor alliances. You're loyal to Marcel and yet he keeps you tucked away in an attic."

Agatha raised her eyebrows. The Hybrid didn't even know the whole story. That is if he even knew the story at all.

"Surely you prefer just a little bit more freedom." Agatha preferred to be alive, thank you very much.

"And yet Marcel keeps you prisoner."

"Marcel doesn't keeps us prisoner, he keeps us safe," Davina informed him, coldly.

"He's our friend," I spoke up. "Our family."

Klaus narrowed his eyes.

"Well, I've no doubt he is," he continued. "For two girls caught in a war between witches and vampires, I might be a better friend. I would keep you safe. And I'd allow you your freedom."

He paced up and down the aisle.. "If Marcel could do that, why hasn't he done so already? And it does beg the question. If Marcel can't protect you, then what of those you care about?"

Klaus gestured toward Tim who was sitting in the last pew, then Athan who was standing right next to Agatha

Agatha narrowed her eyes at Klaus. "That sounded like a threat," Davina stated.

Agatha nodded. "Well here's an equal threat back," I said. "If anyone tries to hurt anyone we care about, we'll kill them."

"Well, then," Klaus replied, amused. "Sounds like you don't need Marcel at all. Perhaps you've suspected it all along. Your dear friend Marcel tricks you into doing his bidding. And all the while you both rot in an attic, alone, while young Timothy moves on with his life." Davina glared at him. "And Athan here is seeing and learning new things, it's very clear, trying to put the past behind him."

That was it, that was the last straw. Both girls were over him. He didn't know anything.

The two Harvest Girls both stared intently at Klaus. Agatha herself was so angry. He just wanted to spend some time with her brother. She wanted peace. "You feel that?" Agatha told him. "That's your blood starting to boil."

Klaus groaned, hearing the hiss of his blood boiling. Sweat started to drip from his forehead, but he composed himself and vamp-ran to Tim and put him in a headlock.

"Such a shame to lose him, just as you found him again," Klaus threatened. He looked down at the confused boy. "And I really did admire your skill with that violin."

"Don't you dare hurt him!" Davina shouted, trembling. "Oh, I hope I won't have to, sweetheart," Klaus replied. "But, then, that depends on Aggie and you."

Agatha glared at him. No one threatened the people she cared for. Not to mention how annoying it is that he just called her by her nickname. She could hate him for that later.

"Let him go now!"

"You should know, I don't do well with demands," Klaus told them. Davina thrusted her open hand out and twisted it, using her magic to break the bones in his leg. Unfortunately, it took only a moment for Klaus to reset his bones and heal

"Impressive," Klaus commented. "But you don't want to fight me, love. Innocent people have a way of ending up dead." He looked down at Tim. "Please, let me go," Tim muttered.

"Your choice, little witches.... "They didn't really have a choose. The Monster had Tim's life in his hands - literally. That wasn't a choose, it was blackmail.

"..Swear allegiance to me alone and the boy lives, both of them, because you should know if I have to kill Tim here, I will kill Athan shortly after...But only if you stand against me..."

That was it.

Agatha subconsciously noticed the candles flaring, because of how angry Davina and I are.

They screamed as their magic caused paper and books to be blown by the uncontrollable wind, and all of the windows to be shattered.

Klaus and Tim are forcefully blown backwards. Davina, Agatha and Athan, the other way.

Agatha passed out, from the use of that much magic.

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