Chapter 1: Hi! We're One Direction!

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You have now stumbled upon my very first One Direction Fanfiction (which I’m publishing online)

There’s no turning back now.

^ Well, that’s a lie (Oh my gosh! I’m a dirty liar! God, please forgive me, for I have apologised for my ugly behaviour)

ANYWAYS, you can leave by simply clicking the “back” option up there on the left.


You are most welcome!

So please, just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster that is this fanfiction (Yep, I changed the quote)


May the odds be in your favour.



Today, is the day.

The day that I take off my mask and show my true identity to my best friend.

The day I show her that I’m actually…wait for it…CAPTAIN AMERICA!!!

Pshhh yeah right. Oh, how I wish that was me…

See what I did there? I’m just cool like that.

Anyway, today IS special. Unless I wouldn’t be sitting on the bathroom floor, hiding from my best friend and talking as lowly as I can with my partner in crime.

“So, are you and Ariana going to come here today?” he asked me over the phone.

“Well yeah! You have no idea how excited I am to show her you guys! I’ve been waiting for this day ever since I was born!” I whispered in excitement.

I could hear him chuckling over the phone and say “You’ve known her for only three years now, Skylar.”

Well that was true. Can’t argue with that. But being the Skylar I am, I can’t let my best guy friend ever win a conversation. Ever. So I replied by whispering “I’m going to tell you a secret,” I paused for adding a dramatic effect “I can predict the futuureeee!!!” Well that’s got to beat him.

Or so I thought.

Because he burst out laughing at what I said “Oh lord! You never stop making me amazed with your excuses!”

I grinned and whispered “That’s my job, Ed-“ I was cut off by a knock on the door. Oh god, that’s got to be Ariana! Unless it’s a madman that came here to kill me. But madmen don’t knock on the door to kill, do they? It’s not like they go “Hey. If you’re not busy in there, can I come and kill you?” That doesn’t seem very likely. But then again, they are mad, so who knows what they do.

“Sky, are you alright? You’ve been in there for quite a long time…” Yup. Definitely Ariana. What to do? WHAT TO DO? We must abort mission. ABORT MISSION!!!

I quickly stood up and said “Yeah! I was going to come out now anyway.” And then I took my phone and whispered “Code red! Gotta go now pal. See you in a few hours!” I hung up, walking out of the bathroom.

Ariana was looking at me with blue worried eyes. “Is everything alright, Skylar?”

“Yup! Everything is fine! Why’d you ask?” I said as I gave out a nervous laugh. Smooth, Skylar. Smooth.

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