He's the Macho Mafia Man and I'm the soon-to-be BRIDE?!!!!!

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Second story since I wasnt too happy with the first but i will upload on In Love With a VampWolf! I hope you love it and will reward me with some votes.

Go on...read!

He's the Macho Mafia Man and I'm the soon-to-be BRIDE?!!!!

"Hey! Wake up! We got school!" Christy yelled. I hated Mondays, especially since I never go to bed early on Sunday. Every Sunday Christy spends the night at my house and we stay up all night doing whatever we feel like. But Saturdays are the best since we go to her house and have fun. We usually go to a party every time I go to sleep at her house. Christy already hopped into the shower so I went downstairs to see what my dad was up to. My mom is usually never here since she's a travel agent.

When I reached the kitchen, I spotted my dad between some womans legs kissing down her neck.She had the same hair as my mom but something didnt feel right about her.

"You have to go back upstairs before Annabelle sees us" dad whispered. Why the hell would he want to hide mom from me? Maybe it was meant to be a surprise that she came back. Ah, well, its too late now. She hopped down from the counter and I was ready to hug her.

"Hey mom, I'm glad to- what the hell is going on?" I asked. This bimbo didnt have any of my features, let alone my mothers.

"Who the fuck do you think you are hugging all over my dad like that? He's married dumbass!" I couldnt control the words that were spilling out of my mouth. I was so heated, and I'm not a morning person so on top of that, I was hella cranky.

Dad made his way over to me with his hands up trying to be cautious. He knows how out of control I am when I'm angry.

"Look Annie, theres no need for violence so just put your fist down and be mature about this, okay?" he said soothingly. I wasnt aware that I was ready to punch this broad in the face.

"Dad, what the hell is going on?" I had a dangerous edge in my voice that made both my dad and the Tramp back away, but I wasnt gonna let them escape. So I took another step towards them and then dad tucked the slut behind him! He was actually going to protect her?

"The only person that you should be listening to is me dad. So back the hell away from the tramp before shit happens." The bitch looked at me and was about to say something, but I didnt want to hear her voice. So I punched her dead in the nose and she fell on her ass. HA!

"You dont get to say anything Bitch!" I yelled while glaring down at her. Dad looked at me as if he couldnt believe what I had just done. Hell, I couldnt believe what I had just done. I heard someone coming down the stairs. Probably Christy.

"Why are you yelling down here?" Christy stopped and looked at dad who had a furious expression on his face.

"Christina, take Annabelle to her room right now!" He roared.

"Hell no!", I shouted, " Im not going anywhere until you tell me whats going on!" The tramp got off the floor with dad's help, then turned to look at me with murderous eyes.

"You know I could sue" She said. Now its my turn! I dont take shit from ANYONE!

"You know I could kill" I grinned evilly at her, I think. She ran past me up the stairs to my dads room I guess. I was going to go after her but then I remembered my main objective. I needed anwers from Dad.

"Well", I asked,"Do I have to repeat my question?" Dad stood up and towered over me by almost a foot. He looked really intimidating like that.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to like that? I am your father and you will show me respect." I sighed,

"Fine! Daddy would you be oh so kind and tell me who that tramp was that you were feeling up?" I asked, clearly mocking him.

"Ah! You're so damn difficult and I dont have to answer to my daughter." He said, putting emphasis on the word Daughter. And, knowing me, I had to strike back with,

"No? Well you will have to answer to mom!" Dad looked pretty frightened by that.

"You will not tell your mother about this." He said sternly.

"Well, just to prove you wrong...why dont you go and take a seat while I dial mom's cell?" Dad looked extremely furious but Christy interrupted the fight.

"Look, stop talking to your dad like that Annie, and Mr. Casten, I think its only fair that you tell her whats going on since you're definitely not telling your wife!" Bless her big heart! She always knows exactly how to calm someone down.

"Fine" I said lazily.

"Alright", dad said a little nervous. Why the hell is he nervous?

"I was to go on a date with her today so she can book the spot for Annie's wedding earlier." When the hell did anyone propose to me? I must've been really wasted because I dont remember shit. I was still in shock and in deep thought so Christy spoke up for me.

"If you're to go on a date with her today, then why were you with her last night?" Ah hell no! Mom will definitely hear about this!

"Apparently last night wasnt enough for her." he said smiling.

"This is no time to be smiling dad! You're forcing me to get married!" Holy shit I cant believe this!

"No no! Honey Im all against it! But I got into some deep shit and I cant clean it up." He took a deep breath and neither one of us spoke.

"How did you manage to get yourself all 'shitty' anyways?" Christy asked.

"Why dont you both have a seat and I'll explain everything." We both did as we were told and waited for the interesting tale.


So waddaya think? Please leave comments and vote bcuz I really hate it when I vote for your stories and you dont return the favor. But this story is gonna get very interesting with the mafia gangs and the bombing too. So the next chapter will come when I get some votes and comments!!!!!!!!!!! Wellllll, I think I should ask this question........ What Do You Think Is Gonna Happen? Leave some comments telling me what you think will happene and what do you think he got into. But let me tell you, Its not pretty. Especially how he describes someones death. This story is intended to be funny and sad and a whole lot of other tones but please let me know if I should finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's the Macho Mafia Man and I'm the soon-to-be BRIDE?!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now