Chapter Four ~ Until It's Gone

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Lauren removes her heels once she stepped into her house along with Ben. Ben looks around her place while she goes straight to her room.

She quickly changes in her pajamas and looks at herself in the mirror. She then heads out the door right after.

"Are you going to have a glass of water?" She asks.

"I would love some please" Ben replies as he sets himself on the kitchen table.

"Grab a glass from the cupboard on your far left and water is in the fridge" She indicates.

Ben looks confused as if he was waiting for her to make him a glass of water and he keeps staring at her.

"I know what I'm saying. Now make yourself at home" She says.

While he's drinking his water, Ben asks Lauren why she hasn't cleaned her face from all that makeup.

"I'm not going to do that in front of you" She instantly replies.

"Why not?" He says narrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"I have so many spots it's embarrassing"

"Come on. It's not embarrassing. I've spots as well and I don't put on makeup to cover them" he says pointing at his face.

"But you're a guy" She starts.

"Doesn't matter. Lauren, go clean your face, you'll feel fresher. Trust me" He says calmly.

She looks around second guessing the action until she finally gives in and walks to the bathroom removing all the dirt and cleaning her entire face and neck with cold water.

Once she's back in the kitchen, Ben looks up at her from his phone, "What spots were you talking about, love?"

Lauren rolls her eyes, "You want some more water?"



She gave Ben the address to Lauren's house so he can get her home safe. Why didn't she just drive her instead? How did she let her close friend get in a car with a stranger? All these questions you might be questioning right now. The answer is that Ben was the only who was not drunk. Ben planned not to get drunk because he has to work tomorrow morning so he was probably the only she could trust. And he's her friend after all.

It is past midnight when Victoria starts feeling a bit tired. Turns out Jack is the only one that isn't that drunk, so they exchange their goodbyes and tries to get out of the club alive. On the way to her car she gets a call from Ben and she answers.

"Hey, Ben. Is Lauren alright?" She asks.

"Yep, she's gone to bed and I'm heading home now" Ben replies.

"K. I just left now as well and I left Jack and Ed because I'm sleeping at my mum's because I've left Lilly sleeping over there" She says getting in her car and putting on her seatbelt.

"Okay, I should get going now. Maybe we'll talk tomorrow" Ben says as he starts his engine.

With that the call ends and Victoria drives to her mum's house and Ben to his house.


Lauren is in bed thinking about tonight and how great it feels to have such nice people surrounding you. She had never expected anyone to make sure she's fine after a few hours of drinking by taking care of her like Ben just did tonight. She is also wondering what made him do that but she isn't going to keep wondering for so long as she is so tired that she just falls asleep without noticing.

Both Lauren and Victoria have the day off today so Lauren is taking the opportunity to wake up at almost noon. She turns on her phone which is on the bedside table and finds a new text message that was sent to her almost two hours ago. It's from Victoria.

Morning Loz. I've got such a big headache x.

Lauren replies back after she yawns and rubs her eyes. I just woken up and I feel sooo sick. But I really had fun last night. Ben was so nice. C:

Victoria doesn't text back for minutes so she probably is out with her mum and Lilly so Lauren doesn't want to annoy her with loads of texts.

She looks around her room after she sits down on the bed and notices an unfamiliar piece of paper that is next to the lampshade on her bedside table. She rubs her eyes once again as the writing is so small.

Call me whenever you need me, Ben. Is written just beneath a phone number. Lauren smiles and she instantly save the number in her phone and texts him a thank you for taking care of her the night before.

She then makes her way to the kitchen and makes herself a toast and a glass of orange to help her start the day although she has nothing planned apart from being a lazy ass all day and doing nothing at all. 

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