I feel the soft windsThe only one to get my attention
It was filling me up with passion for you
It was to complicated to explain
But something about it kept me wanting more small kisses of wind
The wind got heavier and heavier
It did what I commanded.
I felt power
What I've been wanting all along
The wind suddenly stoped
Why I ask
The wind didn't want to serve someone who wanted her like I did
The wind felt as if she had to do this
So she stayed
Being unselfish she did everything that I want
She still felt as if she didn't want to be there but somehow I always make her stay
She gave me everything that I want
I love her but I don't know if she loves me
She's attracted to other people and has many of doubts
.... I wonder
She's been acting strange
Why I ask
I don't love you.
I don't want to be with you
I don't...
She says nothing
Keeping all those thoughts locked away in her heart with no key
She stays
She wants to leave but can't find the right time to
Why I ask
She finds that time
She leaves him
The wind has now moved on to the next I
The next one didn't appreciate the wind like I did
Ignoring it and showing no emotions
She's lost
The wind is lost
She wants to be alone but there is always I
I will always be there for you.
She doesn't feel the same.
Good bye she says she never wants me again.
Good bye I say.......
Good bye.
The Wind
RomansaThe wind is described by a girl Written the the perspective of a guy that loves "the wind" Sorta boring sorta not , it all depends if you've been in "the winds" or the guys perspective before. If you have then it will all make since.