Bobby Imagine

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a/n: ______= Your Name

It had been about 11 months since Bobby had confessed to you and almost 12, your 1 year anniversary was very soon! You woke up early one morning to go shopping with your best friend, Jinhwan. He was very good friends with Bobby so you thought that he might be able to help you find a present for him. You hopped out of bed to choose your outfit then shower. You chose to wear skinny jeans, sneakers, and a large sports jersey that Bobby had bought you on your first date :)

You were gonna meet up with Bobby later that day, so you wanted to look good for him. You throw your hair in a messy bun then grab your car keys to pick up Jinhwan to go to the mall. After picking him up, the two of you talked and talked about what you should get Bobby. The two of you decided on getting him a tigger plushie. He liked those kind of cute things, maybe that's one of the reasons that he likes you ;)

You walked around the mall for  a while with Jinhwan when you saw it! But there was only one left and a kid had spotted it the same time as you. You rushed into the store and grabbed the large plushie from the top shelf, you then were glad that you had gotten to it before the kid. You went to the cash register to pay for it and your mouth dropped to the ground when the cashier told you the price. You big grin soon faded away as you realized that you didn't bring enough money with you.

"I got it", you hear a voice behind you say. You turn around and see Jinhwan handing the cashier some cash and you feel so relieved! As you walk out with the plushie in your shopping bag, you thank Jinhwan. "You are a life saver!", you say as you look at the plushie with a smile on your face. "No problem! You are like my little sister, after all.", he says as he smiles at you. "But seriously! I owe you one!", you say looking up at him. He smiles as he thinks of how you can repay him, "Maybe you can buy me ice cream?", he asks as a smile forms of him face. You agree and buy him an ice cream cone.

You wave as you drop Jinhwan off at his house and he waves back. You were sure that Bobby was going to love the gift you had got him, he always loved your presents! You smiled at the thought of Bobby's reaction when you hand him the gift. You drive to Bobby's apartment to go on your date. The two of you were going to hang out at his place and watch a movie, knowing how goofy he was though, you knew that you weren't gonna be paying attention to the movie for long.

You arrive at him place and you stand in front of the door with his gift in hand, you knock on the door and in less then a millisecond the door opens. Bobby happily greets you and you smile at him childish actions of getting all excited. He lets you in your house and you walk into the living room. You turn around when you hear the door close to see Bobby standing there holding a bouquet of roses, you smile and hand him his gift. He happily grabs your hand and runs to the couch, he sits down and pats the spot next to him signaling for you to sit next to him.

You sit down and hand him his gift, he takes the bag and looks inside and his face lights up. He pulls out a tigger plushie then pulls you in for a big bear hug. "Cute, right?", you say. "Not as cute as you", he says as his cheeks start to heat up. He then reaches into his short's pocket and pulls out a long box. You smile as he pulls out a necklace and signals you to turn around, you turn around and he puts the necklace around your neck. You look down to see the pendant and smile, it was a necklace that was shaped as a heart and your half of it had batman and Bobby's half had superman.

 You look down to see the pendant and smile, it was a necklace that was shaped as a heart and your half of it had batman and Bobby's half had superman

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You loved it! You hug Bobby and he grins. He turns on the tv and The Titanic starts playing. You cuddle next to Bobby as it starts playing, he smiles and wraps his arms around you. You feel his warmth against you so you burry your face in his chest, he starts to stroke your hair. "________...", you hear him whisper in your ear. "Yeah?", you ask as you look up. "I love you, Happy Anniversary!", he says then he kisses your forehead. You smile and he embraces you closer, then a sad scene in the movie plays as Jack sinks into the ocean. You couldn't help but get teary eyed so you hid your face in Bobby's neck.

He notices this so he puts his hand around your chin and lifts your face up, a single tear escapes from your sad eyes. "What's wrong?", he asks as he starts to look concerned. "The movie is sad...", you reply. "Should I have chosen a different one?", he asks. "No, its fine", you say as you rest your head on his shoulder. He then grins and brings him fingers to your stomach, "Nooooooooooo! Bobbyyyyy!!! Stoppppppppp! Hehehe!", you say through giggles as he tickles you. "Nope. I cant stop until you aren't sad anymore!", he says.

"I'm not sad anymore! See!?", you say as you smile wide for Bobby to see. He stops with a look of satisfaction on his face. He then yawns and you realize he is tired, you scoot away a little then pat your lap. He cheekily smiles and rests him head in your lap and starts to doze off as you run your fingers through his silky hair. "I love you, ______...", he says before he falls asleep. "I love you, too.", you say then you soon fall asleep as well.

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