Another Night (NaLu)

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*Lucys pov*

I sat in the guild like I did every day. It was the same routine I had grown ever so tired of.

I would get up in the morning and head out to this place, sit at the bar for several hours before deciding that I wasn't going to go on a mission.

Or I would walk straight up to the board that held the mission and pick one up without even reading, walking out the door before anyone in the guild could speak a word to me.

It seemed like the days dragged on and got longer each time. I tried not to think about it though. It was just sad thinking about it.

My hands were placed gently on a glass of water I had gotten from MiraJane. She was very thoughtful, I think she is what has been keeping this guild going.

Elfman sat next to me on a stool, he hadn't said a word yet. I don't really expect him to. Im not sure what anyone these days would have to say to me.

It feels like so much has changed over the past couple of years. The guild is quiet and we like to keep it that way, we haven't stirred up any trouble for as long as I can remember.

"Big sis...Can you get me a glass of booze?" Elfman asked his older, yet smaller sister from the seat beside mine.

"If that's what you would like." Mira answered before placing a mug on the counter in front of him.

"Why do you do this to yourself, Elfman. Its really not like you." I said quietly.

I didn't look at him, but I could see him out of the corner of my eye. He had a tight grip on the mug, he looked grim as he did most days. He didn't say a word for moments, as if he was tring to collect his thoughts by staring at his drink.

"Its nearing that time again, you know." He whispered to me.

I looked down, a sadness washed over me. Although I was always sad, this was different, stronger and more fierce than normal.

"Yes, I know. I'm dreading it as well. But you don't see me drinking away my problems." I looked at him as he turned his head to me, our eyes locking.

"I guess not all of us are as strong as you, Lucy. I personally don't want to be all there when the day does roll around." Elfman's grim tone was very strong.

"Two years...Its really hard to believe its been that long. It feels just like yesterday that he was here was us." I spoke softly.

Memories came flowing into my thoughts, happy memories I was no longer able to have. Back when everyone was so carefree and childish.

Back when we'd do anything to see each other smile. I guess I'd still do that now, but its rare to see it now.

"May I have the attention of the guild please." I heard a some what sweet voice asked from the stage not very far from where I sat.

I turned to see Mirajane, her face once painted with a smile now struggling to so much as fake one.

Once she had the attention of the entire guild she began talking to us.

"I know that none of you wish to hear it... But the day is coming. Its sneaking up on us just as it did last year. This is a very hard time for us all. " She paused to take a breath, you could almost hear the tears in her voice.

"Its been two years, since the accident. The day we lost one of our most treasured, energetic, and carefree members. The one person who could start a fight between the entire guild with just one glance. " I could see the smallest hint of a smile on her pretty features as her mind replayed memories.

"But I'm sorry to say that he is no longer with us. I hope that none of you will loose your memories of him. I know that I wont. I could never. Its time to say a few words to him, though he may not be able to hear them. For Natsu Dragneel." Mira finished.

Everyone stayed silent for the next few minutes, all of us thinking hard about what we were going to say.

It wasn't until after I had my thought did someone stand up. In the far corner a man stood there, he looked to the stage, past all the guild members. Gray Fullbuster.

" It feels like just yesterday you were sitting here with us. I never thought I'd have to live a day without you. But I guess life has a way of turning out how we least expect it to. There isnt a day that goes by were I don't think of what you'd do if you were here. If i could turn back time, I would. The guild just isn't the same without you... I miss you, fire breath." I don't see it very often but Gray began to cry.

As he sat down, Juvia helped him wipe the tears. She tried to smile at me and tell him that his words were beautiful. She had been there for him the entire time.

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