Chapter 4

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A loud knocking on the door caught Aiko's attention as she was drawing the plans on her blue print. She sighed and rolled it up before walking towards the door to open it.

"It must be the pizza guy." She thought. She opened the door and saw a woman around her 40s, 48 or 49, who was holding a large brown bag that contains folders and folders of files.

"Mom!" She smiled and quickly helped the woman lift the heavy bag.

"Aiko get me a glass of water will you?" She said. Aiko quickly nodded as she set the bag down on their coffee table before heading to the water dispenser. "You came home late today." Aiko said as she handed the glass to her mother.

"Yes well, we had an emergency staff meeting to discuss about the field trip and I had to finish planning. Being a teacher is so hard." Aiko's mom said before drinking the water.

Aiko laughed. "This is why I didn't want to be a teacher." She joked. Her mother just laughed along.

"How was school today?" Her mom changed the topic.

"Oh, I'm going to join the science fair mom. If you won't mind." Aiko said.

"Of course I won't mind. Join any contests in your school. It would be such a waste if you don't use that talent of yours." Aiko's mother said.

Aiko smiled widely. "Thanks mom!" As she engulfed her to a tight hug.

"Can me and Gogo use our garage and construct our new tech there?" Aiko asked. "If your father agrees so will I." Her mother replied.

"I'll call him right away after dinner." Aiko said.


"I'm home." A man who was around his 50's came walking in the room.

"Hi dad! Have you thought about it?" Aiko asked with excitement clearly visible on her eyes.

Mr. Miyazaki scratched his chin as if he was thinking. "Let's see." He said teasing Aiko to make her think he'd say no.

"No." He smirked making Aiko frown. "No I will not disagree." Her father laughed making her jump in joy and hugged him. "Thank you so much dad!" As she was hugging her father she noticed on the corner of her eye a familiar white T-shirt. She shook her head and thought she was just hallucinating, but in fact she wasn't.

"Aiko go some tea for our guest please." Mr. Miyazaki said making Aiko nod, thinking the guest was her dad's friend that was the guest.

"Oh no need sir. I'll be on my way anyway." A very familiar voice said making Aiko's head turn instantly to the person who just spoke.

"Tadashi?" She raised her eyebrow and unknowingly smirked. Tadashi looked at her and smiled. He showed a little pink purse which made Aiko's eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh where did you get that?" Aiko came running towards Tadashi to grab the bag.

"You forgot it on the library so I thought I could bring it to you." Tadashi said making Aiko's cheeks turn to a light pink color that matched the tank top she was wearing.

"You didn't have to." She said shyly. She felt the feeling of being stared at and laughed nervously when she realized that her parents were in front of them.

"Oh. Mom, dad this is Tadashi Hamada. He's on my Chemistry class." Aiko said.

"Oh so you're the guy Aiko keeps talking about." Her mom laughed making Aiko's cheeks burn up more.

"You talk about me?" Tadashi's lips curved up to form a smirk. Aiko kept her mouth shut, if she'd say no they'll say she's in denial. There is the choice of saying "yes" but she'll get defensive and talk about how she talks about other guys too and that would be a long argument.

"Oh yes, she keeps saying that you're so smart and handsome and amazing and-"

"Okay mom I think he heard enough of that." Aiko said already panicking. At this rate Tadashi was already smirking, he wanted to keep annoying her about it since he knows how Aiko hates it when someone teases her. Tadashi found it cute when she's trying to deny something but her red cheeks show how embarrassed and guilty she is.

Mrs. Miyazaki laughed. "Finally Aiko has introduced a guy to us. I was beginning to worry she would end up like her aunt Marilyn."

"Mom I don't even like cats that much." Aiko crossed her arms.

"Cats?" Tadashi asked. Aiko shrugged. "Aunt Marilyn is sort of a cat lady."

Tadashi began wondering, what does having a cat have to do with introducing a guy? Aiko figured he'd think about that so she added, "She never married and decided to just live with cats."

Tadashi's mouth formed an "o" shape while slightly nodding. So does that mean my Aunt is also a cat lady? He wondered.

"Well, I'll be going, I'll see you at school then Honey. Goodbye Mr. and Mrs. Miyazaki." Tadashi said smiling awkwardly before leaving the room.

"Okay." Aiko said waving. Tadashi rode on his moped and went off back home.

"Nice kid." Mr. Miyazaki said. Mrs. Miyazaki nodded in agreement. "Are you sure that Tadashi isn't your boyfriend?" Mrs. Miyazaki smirked. Aiko instantly blushed.

"What? No mom. I'm telling you we're just friends." Aiko said looking down, trying to hide her blush.

"Okay then." Mrs. Miyazaki laughed.

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