Chapter One

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The tall grass swayed with the breeze, gracefully following its path. The tall woman pulled the bowstring, aiming the arrow at the tall Elk. Her (colour) eyes focused at the target.

The elk was slowly eating away at the grass, not even noticing her. She let go of the arrow, which struck the elk in the chest. Before the air gave way, it let out a warning call for the other elks. It dropped to the ground quite slowly, before it finally deceased.

Her body tensed up as a hand was placed on her shoulder. "Nice shot." A familiar voice was heard. "Thank you, Clyde." She said in a serene voice.

Clyde Donovan, (Y/N)'s best friend and sidekick. Ever since his 'Army of Darkness' was basically abolished by the Elves and Kupa Keep, he was forced to flee. She took him as an aide and friend.

"You should really consider getting back to the hideout." Clyde's voice sounded a bit serious. "Why is that? There is still daylight to hunt." She reassured him. "The High Jew Elf and a few of his handymen are coming for dinner, unannounced." Clyde said against my word.

"Well, I guess we need to cook a-" "Lacy and Tally are working on that." Clyde smiled. "Well, at least it will be done in time, knowing that they started already." (Y/N) smiled back at him.

Lacy Highland and Tally Byrne were both warriors in her 'kingdom'. Lacy came from a family of drow elves, yet she never was in the elven army.

She picked up the elk, with the help of Clyde, and loaded it on the wagon she brought with her. She pulled it as they walked together towards the forest.


It was an hour before sunset, and everyone was seated. A small feast was held in a quite large room of the hideout on the bed of the forest. The last plate was set in the middle before everything was silent.

"May I ask why you requested to visit us?" (Y/N) spoke. "Lady Frostskader.. We would like to make a pact with you." The High Jew Elf spoke with a spark. "Depends what the pact is, brownie*." (Y/N) said, a few snickers coming from my crew members.

*brownie is actually a synonym for elf, faery, or pixie

"Don't call me that. Anyways, the pact is for the right of your land in the forest, since the land is so large. In return, we will give you anything in return." The High Jew Elf said.

"Can you give me the right to call you dead? How about that nice ol' stick too!" She said sarcastically. A few more laughs come from your group. Stan tensed up, taking it not as a joke. He knew he had to stay silent. "Joking, joking. Don't get your underwear in a knot." (Y/N) grinned.

"Anyways.." The High Jew Elf said with a low growl. "We'll give you anything. Even the right to come into our kingdom without notice." "I don't really want that deal, sister. I got a family with me. And I'm pretty sure they don't want our land belonging to you. (Y/N) mentioned towards her crew members who smiled. "Let's eat up before it gets cold!" Lacy spoke with a smile, hoping to break the harsh tension.

Everyone began to eat, smiles of their faces, all except for the High Jew Elf and Stan Marsh. They eat silently, sort of angered at the Lady. They wanted the land. She wanted the Stick. The elves would never give up the stick, even if it meant dying.


The High Jew Elf continued to walk in the same pattern in his large bedroom. A knock on his door caused him to stop. "Who is it?" He called. "Kyle, it's me. Stan. May I come in?" Stan called out. "Please, do come in." The ranger walked in, a scroll at hand. Kyle took it from his hand, and unrolled it, reading it.

'Dearest Ruler of the Elven Kingdom,

You're probably wondering why I have sent this, as we just had dinner a few hours ago! Anyways, I would love that treaty, only for one thing — the stick. Hand over the stick WITHOUT the Grand High Wizard knowing AND THEN I'll give you the land, plus the mountains and rivers we dearly protect that is beyond us. We'll even fight dire wolves for you!
With care,
Lady Frostskader'

The High Jew Elf was cautious of this deal. He'd be giving up a relic for something he needs dearly. Thieves were sly people, so it was hard to tell if she was telling the truth. "Stan... Write back to The Lady for me.." He states.

sorry this was short ;-; it's 12am when I published this. i have not gone over it for any errors, so if there are errors please let me know!!! please stay tuned for update!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2016 ⏰

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