the truth

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Bella pov
Carlisle was fixing my hand. I hit a wolf in the face. Emmett hopped on the counter. 'Tried to walk and eat gum at the same time?' Emmett asked. 'No I punched a bad wolf.' I said. ' Badass' Emmett smirks.Rosalie got up and storm outside. When Carlisle got done I went after her. ' Your wrong Bella' Rosalie said. I stood next to her. ' About what?' I asked. ' About being a vampire. Did Edward tell you what happened to me?' She asked ' He said it was like me in Seattle. Expect no one was there for you.' I said. Rosalie smiled at me. That's the first time she smiled. She was so cute, where did that come from? She looked at me in my eyes and grasps.

Rosalie pov
I looked Bella in her eyes. Suddenly I like Bella. Not even close. I was in love with Bella and I would take a bullet for her. ' Actually I'll be your friend' I smiled. Edward was going to kill Bella anyyway. ' Bella do you trust me?' I asked. ' Yes Rosalie' she said. ' Edward doesn't love you. He was using you for your blood'I said. ' Come with me '. I hold out my hand. She took it and I threw her on my back a ran to her house. ' Bella what if I told you Emmett wasn't my mate?' I asked. ' I would say who is your mate?' She asked. ' You are' I said. Bella smiled and kissed me ' I love you too'. Wow that kiss was the best kiss ever. Bella smiles.

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