Training with the wovles

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Rosalie pov
I was up all night worrying about Bella. "What if Bella leaves me? What if it wasn't Imprint?" I thought. "Shut up with your thoughts Rose." Bella sleep talk. I looked at her, well I thought she was sleep. She looked at me. "You're thoughts is waking me up." Bella yawned. "Sorry worried about tomorrow." I apologize. "I know I feel your emotions." Bella said. She kissed my cheek and went back to sleep. I got up and picked up a book.
Bella pov
When I woke up I saw that Rosalie was gone so I got dressed. "Wow great view from here." A voice said. I turned around to see Rose standing near my window. "Don't scare me like that." I blush.  "Well I'm happy about one thing  that you going to La Push." Rose said. "What would that be?" I asked. "At least you're clothes disappear and reappear on you." Rose smiled. "Me too." I said shuddering at the thought. I put some shorts and a t-shirt on. Rose went home and I drove to La Push. I went to Emily's  house. "Hey Emily ." I said. "Hey Werecat." Emily joked. "Yeah I'm a cat." I smiled. I took a muffin. "Save some for the wovles." Emily said. "Where are they?" I asked. "They went to the mall real quick." Emily said. Then a smell hit my nose. "Shit." I said pushing Emily behind me. "Bella what's wrong?" Emily asked scared. "Vampire." I said. Then Victoria and Edward was there. "So sweet." Victoria said. "Bella we won't hurt Emily ." Edward said. "Leave." I snarled. I was pushed away from Emily. Victoria was holding her by neck. "I'll go." I said as Edward took my arms and tied it with a rope. Victoria let Emily go and we left.
Emily pov
I sat with my arms across my chest as the wolves came in. "Emily!" Sam called. I got up and walk to him. "What happened?" Sam asked. "Edward and Victoria came they was going to kill me if Bella didn't go with them." I cried. Sam picked me up and ran to the Cullens house. Rosalie answer the door growling. "Rosalie calm down." Carlisle said. "No they broke the treaty." Rosalie said. "Victoria have Bella." I said. Rosalie looked at me. She took a step forward and sniff. "Rosalie calm down." Jasper said. "My mate is kidnapped." Rosalie snarled. "Wait!" Sam yelled. Everyone looked at him. "There is more continue Em." Sam said. "Edward and Victoria showed up and push Bella away from me. Victoria had me by my neck and Bella said that she would go with them." I said. Rosalie looked at me her eyes was filled with hatred,sad, and anger.  We left.
Rosalie pov
Bella save Emily from danger. I tried not to show my hurt.
"Stop that and look for me." A voice said.
"Who is this?" I asked.
"Bella I'm close to you but I don't know where." The voice said.
"Bella are you hurt." I asked.
"No I'm scared though. Edward forced a kiss on me. I don't want to know what's next." Bella said
"I'll find you just help me." I said.
"Thanks I have to go."  Bella said.
I stood up, my family looked at me crazy. "Bella is close by." I said. They looked at me. "Sh-." I was cut off by something hitting the house. We went outside to see Bella. "Bella." I said. "Victoria." Bella look behind her. Victoria and Edward popped up and walked beside her. I ran at Edward who punched me hard. Bella got mad and broke the ropes she turned into the werecat. She attack Edward. She was done less than a minute. Bella attack Victoria it took forever to kill her but she did it. Bella stood up in human form. She had cuts and bruises on her everywhere. Bella fainted I ran up to catch her. "Put her on the couch." Carlisle said getting his stuff. Bella was already healing. Carlisle popped her bones back into place. Bella woke up. "Hey." I said. "Hey." Bella said. "How are you feeling?" I asked worried. "I'm good stop worrying." Bella sat up.
Bella pov
My body ache. I can't believe they actually think I'm Bella. I'm glad for this power. I can turn to whoever I want and do what ever they do. The real Bella is still at the cabin probably getting her beaten.
Edward pov
Me and Victoria came back with a smirk on our face. The worst is yet to come. We ran to the cabin. "We're back love." I said. "Stay away!"Bella said. "Our plan is working." I smirked. Bella looked upset but it suddenly with anger. I showed her what happened. "Bella I'm ready." I walked to Bella and ripped her and my clothes off. I raped her.
Bella pov
Edward just got done with his game. I sat and cried. Rosalie was kissing a fake me.

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