Bad luck

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Bella pov
"Bella why are you feeling upset?" Jasper asked. "Because I took Rosalie away from Emmett." I said. "Bella it was going to happen ether way." Emmett said. "If you turned into a vampire you would've figured it out." Rosalie came in sat next to me. "They are right Bella." Rosalie said. "But Ros-." I was cut off. "Bella what's wrong?" Rose asked.
" Victoria." Edward said. "What may I do for you?" Victoria glared. "I want you to kill Rosalie." Edward said. "Why?" Victoria asked shocked. "She took my mate." Edward said. "I'll do it." Victoria said.
End of vision
"BELLA!" Rose yelled. "Ow, don't yell I can hear." I said. "Well answer next time." Rose asked. "Edward went to Victoria." I said. Everyone looked at me " How do you know?" Carlisle answer. "We have another vision seer." Emmett joked. "It's not funny Emmett." I said. "I saw it." I said. "Well maybe she is a copycat." Alice said pissed off causing everyone to laugh. "Can you read minds?" Carlisle. I looked at Rosalie. "Hey babe." Rose thought. "Yes I can read minds." I said. "I'm glad we figured out her while she is human." Jasper said . "I wanna go home Rose."I thought. It must've went to her mind because she looked shocked. "How?" Rosalie asked. "I want to see if I can talk to you in my minds." I said. "But for real I want to go home." Rosalie picked me up and carried me home.
Rosalie pov
I laid behind my mate she started talking in her sleep. "They are using each other. Bella said. I wonder what she is talking about. I'll ask her when she wake up. "Rosalie." Bella whimpered. I heard her heart speed up."Rosalie." Bella said. "I'm here Bella." I said. "Bella you was talking in your sleep. What was it about?" I asked. "Edward and Victoria is using each other. Victoria is using Edward to kill me. Edward is using Victoria to Kill you." Bella said. I looked at her. "Bells do you think we are going to let them?" I asked. "Well no." Bella said. "Alice is mad at you." I said. She started laughing. "Because I'm a copycat to her." Bella said. "She's coming over ." I smiled. There was a knock on the window. "Come in Alice." I said. Alice came in. "Hey Rosalie. Hi copycat ." Alice said. "Alice be nice." I growled.
I looked at Bella she look faraway. Bella grasp. "Bella what's wrong?" I asked "Edward and Victoria have a different plan." Bella said. "Edward is going kidnapped me and use me as bait to lure you in and kill you." Alice glared at her. "Wow what's wrong with my Visions?" Alice said,and I was starting to wonder myself. "I'm not feeling so good." Bella said stumbling to the door. I picked her up and carried her to the woods. "Bella?" I asked. She backed away and turn to a ,werecat? "Bella think of something happy." I said. Bella relax and turn human. "How?" Bella asked.  "I don't know." I said "Look me in my eyes."  Bella looked into my eyes, and froze. "Bella you imprinted on me." I said. "Let me call Carlisle to set up a meeting with the wolves." I got my phone out.
Bella pov
Rose is talking to Carlisle. "Let's go Bella." Rose said. She pick me up and carried me to the treaty line. The Cullens and Pack was already there. "What is this meeting about Leech?" Jacob snarled causing me to attack him. "Bella it's ok." Rose said. I got up and jumped back over the line leaving everyone shocked. "I wanted to asked how is Bell a werecat?" Rose said. "I never heard of a werecat can we see." Sam asked. I told the Cullens to back up. I turn into a giant cat. "Did she imprint?" Jacob asked. I turn back human. "Yes I did." I said. "Who?" Jacob asked. Rose kissed my cheek. "Me of course." Rose said. "You are a girl." Jacob said. I stood in front of Rose. "So?" I said. "It's wrong." Jacob said. "Jacob I'm not going to date you." I said. "Wait how did you know I was thinking that?" Jacob said. "I can read minds,and see the future." I said. Then a lemon smell hit my nose.  Suddenly someone thoughts was in my mind.
(Bella thoughts/Edward thoughts)
"Never would have thought you was a copycat and a real cat." Edward said.
"But my power is better than yours dumbass." I said
"I'll see you later love" Edward said.
"Fuck you." I said.
"I will" Edward said running away.
When I looked at everyone the was staring at me. "What?" I asked. "We asked you a question and you was out of it." Jacob said. "I was talking to Edward. In my mind." I said. "He was near by?" Rosalie asked. "Why couldn't we smell him?" Alice asked. "Yes he was near by, and some ring was on him he knows I'm werecat now."  I said. "Well that's sucks." Jacob said.
"Maybe we can teach Bella how to control herself." Sam thought.
"Will it be hard?" I asked.
" No not reall- hey is this Bella?" Sam thought.
"Yes." I said.
"Well it won't hurt." Sam said.
"Ok I'll do it." I said.
I looked at the others they was staring at Sam and me. "What?" We asked. "Y'all keep getting sidetracked." Rosalie said. "Sam offered to teach me how to control my anger." I said. "Good idea." Rosalie said. "We'll start tomorrow." Sam said. We went home. "Bella don't let Jacob try nothing on you." Rosalie said. "Baby I don't want him I want you only." I said. Rose kissed me and I fell asleep.

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