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This is the final chapter
Five years later......
(Hayden's p.o.v)
We barley started doing the tour two years ago, instead of five
So that means this year is out third year
Johnny went to live with Lindsay and help protect her. We still have contact and he still Does videos, plus with Lindsay so things have been going great!
I am now 18 and things have still been crazy, but everything goes back to normal
Me and Lauren are still boyfriend and girlfriend and so are....
Matt and Avia
Dylan and Isabella
Carson and Jordyn
Noah and Annie
Jay and Trevor
Alex and Andy........surprising
Marshall and Carson's dad are the only parents that are actually on tour and some of the others just visit if were near. Right now were in Washington, but I don't know which part
"Hayden, we need to go to rehearsals!" I heard Gavin say
Only me.....
And Gavin sing
Trevor and Andy play backstage and Jay and Andy help the D.J
"Alright, I'm coming!" I said and got ready for rehearsals
I think the show is gonna be great tonight!
(Lindsay's p.o.v)
Things have happen during the past years, and lets just say there is a lot of children
Johnny came with me and we are still together and we still do videos
The gang is now our neighbors and Butler is still in, yes I still hate him and its hard to yell at him when his child is right there. Mason finally got the guts to ask Anna out, but Connor is just to scared to ask Zia out. They flirt all the time is what I've been hearing from Mason.
All I can say is things have still been crazy, but we all got through them and everything is mostly normal.
The things I'm worried about is Derek!
Mom said he was gonna take me, but he never did
Just hopefully he doesn't
Then Johnny just got in my room and closed the door
"What's up with you!" I asked him
"Reese is attacking me and I don't want to get hit in the balls again!" Johnny said breathing heavily
"Open up, you can't hide forever!" a little voice yelled
"Hide me!" Johnny yelled and I just opened the door
"Haha!" Reese said and shot Johnny in the balls and he fell to the ground
Oh boy
"Okay Reese give me the gun" I said
"Give me it before I tell your mommy!"
"Here!" he said and ran off
"You okay?" I asked Johnny
He was still on the ground
"Yeah, just hurts a little still!" He said getting off the ground and kissed me
"You've changed a lot!" I said
"That's puberty's fault!" he said
"Yeah, but your still cute!" I said

This is the last chapter!
I am literally crying😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
The squeal will be up tomorrow or later today
I'm not sure
Goodbye to.....

Goodbye to

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and hello to

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and hello to

cover made by Creativegirl1738

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cover made by Creativegirl1738


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