Chapter 35: The End....

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I found a picture of the siblings!!!!⬆
(Lindsay's p.o.v)
After we were done watching the videos Jason and Mandy went on a date and Alex and Simran went to chill upstairs
Then I heard a knock at the door and Johnny opened it
He was still here!
"GUESS WHAT I FOUND!!??" Jordyn said barging in the door
"What and shh!" Johnny said
Then Jordyn put her phone in Johnny's face and it was a picture of me and Johnny's first kiss
"How the Hell did you get that!" I asked
"I sort of took a picture and never told you guys!?" Jordyn said smiling nervously
"Just don't show anybody!" Johnny said
"Too bad, I sort of showed Jay and Alex already" Jordyn said
"Well talk about this in the boring!" I said and Jordyn left
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school?" Johnny asked
School I forgot!
"Yeah!" I said and Johnny kissed my cheek and left
"You guys already kissed!" I heard somebody say
I turned around and saw Mom
Oh No!!
She doesn't know about any of this!!!!
"Um...." I said
"We will talk about this tomorrow!" Mom said and left
Hopefully things will be back to normal someday!!!!
The next day
(Johnny's p.o.v)
I walked and saw everyone at the curve
"How many minutes till school?" Matt asked
"Um...about 20, why?" Carson said
Matt looked at Jordyn and Avia and they both nodded
"Um, can I talk to the guys for minute?" Matt asked the girls and the girls left
"What's up?" Gavin asked
"Um, well I've been meaning to tell you guys this for a long time, but me and Avia!" Matt said
"Awesome!" Noah, Gavin, and Trevor said
"What about you guys?" Matt asked me, Hayden, and Carson
"Great!" we all said and he had a sigh of relief
"We should get to school!" Gavin said and we all left with the girls
I think Jordyn actually told the girls about them dating
At school
(Noah's p.o.v)
It was around 3rd period and me and Annie were going to our class when we saw Andy and Alex....
well that's a way to say sorry!
"Um, I think we should go the other hall" Annie said
"I think that's the best!" I said and we took the way around
You need an explanation
(Hayden's p.o.v)
Me and Lauren were just talking about the date
"So just wear something casual!" I said
"Alright, and where should we meet?" Lauren asked
"Ya'll see, just go where Avia tells you too!" I said and the bell rang
"Should we go to lunch together?" Lauren said
"Lets go!" I said and we walked to the cafeteria
The date is going to be perfect
(Lindsay's p.o.v)
Me and Johnny were walking to the lunch tables when we saw Avia, Alex, and Jay under the tables, plus only Hayden, Carson, Jordyn, and Lauren sitting there not under the table
"What are you guys doing?" Johnny asked
"Trying to redo memories, except this time Hayden isn't in the bathroom or whatever, and Lauren isn't under the table" Avia said and they got up, plus the rest came
"Well if you wanna redo memories, then just do this" I said and slapped Noah
"What was that for!?" he said
"Kissing my cheek" I said
"I thought you forgave me!" he said
"I said i did, I didn't mean it!" I said
"Why did that remind me of Ryan?" Johnny said
"Oh yeah....I still don't see how Riley?" I said
"Who are talking about?" Matt asked
"None of your business!" Me and Johnny said
"Lets just eat!" Carson said
Hayden and Lauren's outfits⬇

I still don't see how Riley?" I said "Who are talking about?" Matt asked "None of your business!" Me and Johnny said "Lets just eat!" Carson said ➖➖➖Hayden and Lauren's outfits⬇

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later that day......
(Hayden's p.o.v)
I was getting dressed for me and Lauren's date and rode to the beach on my penny board
When I got there everything was perfect and I saw Avia and Lauren coming. I quickly sat on the sand couch lightly and Avia and Lauren got here
"I'm just gonna go" Avia said and left
"You look cute!" I said
"Thanks, you look cute yourself!" She said blushing
"Aw, I made you blush!" I said
"Stop!" Lauren giggled
Later on we started talking and played in the water a little
"Thanks for the date Hayden!" Lauren said
"Hay, can I ask you something?" I asked
"Sure, what is it?" She replied
"Um, you and me are going on tour that's coming soon and I really like you, so will you Lauren Orlando be my girlfriend?" I asked
"Yes!" She replied and I kissed her
"Aw, I'm gonna cry!" someone said
I turned around and saw
And Noah
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked
"Spying duh!" Jay said
Then we all went home
Lets just say things this past year have been...
Nut we survived through it
Now we just need to get back to
Why this book come to an end
I'll probably do another chapter today, but I'm not sure
And there will be a
Coming soon....

C.R.A.Z.Y (Johnny Orlando Fanfic.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu