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You relished the sight for a moment. There he was, 22 years old, patiently laying on his changing mat waiting for a fresh diaper. It had only been a few months ago your friend was walking around the apartment sagging his jeans to show off his Underamour or Puma boxers. He raided the fridge, let his laundry pile up, and stayed up till all hours while you worked, went to school, and kept up with housework. You let your friend crash with you for a few days, but days turned into weeks...
Then one night you had an idea. A week later everything was in place and that night you put your plan into action.
You snuck into his room while he slept. First to go was the underwear. That would be destroyed, no questions about it. Then you emptied his closet of all his jeans and shorts that weren't baggy enough. Long t-shirts were the last thing to go into storage. Finally you filled his underwear drawer with adult diapers.
The next morning he came out in his pajamas and headed to the restroom, but that of course was now locked and you had the only key.
"what do you need man?"
"I gotta take a piss dude, is the door locked?"
"Yeah, my bathroom door is locked. You are not allowed to use it anymore."
"Wha?...Dude, if this is about the dishes I promise I'll get to them today."
"It's not"
"Is it the food? I told you I'd pay you back when I could."
"It's your clothes."
"My clothes? I'll do my laundry, I know it stinks. I'll do it now."
"Don't bother. I already cleaned your clothes. I even got you new underwear."
"...what?" with that he finally went back into his room and found the diapers. He noticed the other clothes missing as well and began to yell. He was angry and confused but you were prepared. The two of you began to fight. You were both strong buy you managed to pull him over your knee during the struggle and that's when things changed.
Just fifteen minutes of harsh spanking and he relented. He let you diaper him. Soon enough he was wet and he was too confused and tired to do anything but let you change his diaper. You eventually fed him lunch, spooning mush into his face. You bathed him slowly and tenderly that night and by ten o'clock he was double diapered wearing a blue shirt a size too small sleeping in his bed. At midnight he was soaked.
And every day it got easier to baby him. No more raiding the fridge, no more late nights out, and the laundry was easy to control- but you did have the extra chore of diaper duty

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